Unmotivated in General

This weekend was especially difficult. I can't put my finger on why, I just feel crummy in general.

It isn't just the eating and exercising I'm struggling with... My house is a mess, I have no groceries in the house, and I am finding myself spending too much $$ on useless junk.

Coming on here and seeing the success stories is great! Everyone is doing so well, and I want that for myself, getting started is the frustrating part. No better time to start than the present though!

I thank God for my supportive husband. I know he wants me to be healthy and happy, and I think he is really looking forward to a more active and sexy wife. I want nothing more than to be that for him! And I want to be encouraging to him as well, but I'm stuck in this pity party, that I'm so busy thinking about myself, that I'm not paying attention to his needs.
We both struggle with self esteem issues, and body image.

We are also newly wed, and new home owners. So getting into a cleaning and cooking routine has been a struggle, as we have both lived with our parents. We also both work full time, so when we get home, all we want to do is relax. Excuses, Excuses!

Sorry for the long winded/rambling/venting post. I just needed to get that out... I already feel a little better. :)

How does everyone else deal with daily struggles and motivation?


  • ladybug0409
    ladybug0409 Posts: 1 Member
    My struggles are a bit different from yours because I'm DEFINITELY not a newlywed & I play the role of SAHM running a full-time daycare so the majority of the cleaning always falls on me, but I'm a list person. With respect to the cleaning & such, you need to make a point that each night before bed you are going to make sure the kitchen is clean: dishes done, loaded in the d/w, etc., and the livingroom is picked up. In the morning you should never leave your bed unmade. In our house, last one out of bed makes the bed. And all the clothes are picked up off the floor & put in the hamper. And spend like 1-2 hours on a weekend or evening that you're free to do your cleaning. In our house, this is usually Sunday afternoons right after church. Everyone helps & it goes much faster. I even put exercise on my to do list. Congrats on getting married.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Motivation comes from within. I was told ; when the student is ready the teacher will come. It's true. If your not ready, your not ready. Stop for a couple of days and then come back. :flowerforyou:
  • margo36
    margo36 Posts: 222 Member
    Looks like you need to get organised. During the week you need to a house tidy every night and weekends a good house clean and weekly shop. I plan out my meals for a week and shop accordingly. I'm retired now but used to be a busy career girl with a disabled husband to look after
    1, Pick Up and Clear up as you go.
    2, Dishes go into Dishwasher after every meal and wipe the kitchen down.
    3 Plan out what you are going to eat the following week and do a weekly shop accordingly.
    4 Do a weekly clean and your husband can join in, Saturday morning is good then you have the rest of the weekend free
    5 A Slow Cooker or Crock pot is a working girl's best friend, Throw in some meat, veg etc before you go to work only takes a few minutes and you have a cooked meal when you get home
  • mblanchard0625
    mblanchard0625 Posts: 74 Member
    Thanks for the responses!

    You really have affirmed some things that I think I already knew. I think a big part is the tasks just look so daunting and I get overwhelmed.

    Tonight when I go home, I am going to write a goal/to do list for this week.
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    I agree with you! It can be hard to stay motivated in general .. I go through those times a lot and it has happened to me several times through my journey. I know it's easier wrote than done but I just try to focus on the end goal. Think of how great you are going to feel and look :) Sometimes I don't want to get out of bed to do my workouts... but on the days that I do skip (which don't happen as much anymore because I kick myself out of bed LOL) I regret that I did not work out! We are here and a great group and will help push you when you need the support! I am sure I will need yours soon too! I go through stages.... sometimes I just get burnt out!
  • travelerkate
    travelerkate Posts: 18 Member
    I'm right there with you! I was really great in the months leading up to the wedding, but I was living at home again for a short time so I didn't really worry about cooking, and could go right to the gym after work. Now I live about 30 minutes from work, so getting in a workout means I won't get home til 7 and still have to cook

    I did decide today that I'm taking an investment in myself. I know when I feel good about myself everybody wins :) So today will just be leftovers for dinner and we'll make a menu for the rest of the week. I love the slow cooker meals; they always taste really good and are just the easiest thing. Time to get back on track!