HRM/Polar FT4 Question...

Today, I did my first Zumba class with it and I had not changed the "target zone". It was constantly beeping saying I needed to slow down. It was set to "120 - 157". At the end of the class it said that my Average rate was 157 and Max was 191. It was a 60 min class and it says I was only in the zone for 24 mins and burned 546 calories. Does not being "in the zone" affect how many calories you burn? I think it does...So what should I change my target zone to?

TIA :)


  • MsTanya77
    MsTanya77 Posts: 357 Member
    Awww is your name Tia? My niece's name is Tia! LOL I got my Polar FT4 this weekend and I stayed in my zone for 37 of 45 min workout. I think the longer you stay in your zone the more calories you burn. Once you get above your max heart rate you lose the fat burning effects of the workout and of course if you stay below then you will not burn many calories. Just what I have learned over the years of working out and doing some zone training here and there.
  • Srbrosseau
    Srbrosseau Posts: 58 Member
    No, the "zone" doesn't really matter. The higher your heart rate, the faster you burn calories. In other words, you're burning more calories per minute at 191 BPM than at 120 BPM. Obviously though, that's probably not sustainable for 60 minutes at this point.
  • MrsFusion
    MrsFusion Posts: 156 Member
    Hi MsColes, no my name isn't Tia...(TIA-thanks in advance) :smile:

    There is no way I could stay below 157 during Zumba. I use 1pd weights and really get into it...I guess what I need to know is what should I set my target zone to?
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,525 Member
    Being in a certain zone will not affect the calories, other than you will always burn more calories when your heart rate is higher. We have been told to keep the intensity (heart rate) down to burn more fat. That is only partially true. You will burn a higher percentage of fat in the "fat burning zone", but if you are in the "fitness" zone (higher heart rate), you will actually burn more fat calories, because you are burning more calories overall. (Think 30% of 100=30 vs. 20% of 200=40--I am just using random percentage numbers, since I'm not sure what the actual percentages are in the different zones, but the math checks out. You can do a search on your computer that will show you the actual numbers, but I hope this gets the idea across).

    I will always choose to go for higher calorie burn with a higher heart rate, since I, like you, am very short and I don't get many calories to eat without burning A LOT! I also think that your body helps to tell you whether you are getting a good workout. For instance, if I stay in the "fat burning zone", I can barely feel my heart rate being raised, and I barely sweat. To me, that is just not a good workout. Plus, I would have to work out for HOURS to get any calorie benefit!! (Okay, not really hours, but much longer than I the time have available for workout!!).

    This has worked for me for almost 2 years now (1 year dieting and 1 year maintaining!), and my profile looks very similar to yours as far as starting weight and height. We small gals have to move around a lot to burn calories!!

    I found that although my goal weight in the beginning was also similar to you, I actually look and feel better about 15 pounds lighter. But you will figure that out based on your own body, etc. No two people have the same "numbers"!

    Best wishes, and hang in there!
  • MrsFusion
    MrsFusion Posts: 156 Member
    Thank you tigerblue :) I think I get it now...
    I will always choose to go for higher calorie burn with a higher heart rate, since I, like you, am very short and I don't get many calories to eat without burning A LOT! I also think that your body helps to tell you whether you are getting a good workout. For instance, if I stay in the "fat burning zone", I can barely feel my heart rate being raised, and I barely sweat. To me, that is just not a good workout. Plus, I would have to work out for HOURS to get any calorie benefit!! (Okay, not really hours, but much longer than I the time have available for workout!!).

    Exactly, I want to sweat and feel those calories burning up!

    My husband thinks I need to get back to 117(that's what I weighed when we got married). But, now is 2 kids, 2 c-sections later... it would be awesome though...
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,525 Member
    Yes you CAN hit 117, or whatever your ultimate goal is!

    I never thought I'd see 120 again (My Dr. said I needed to be there at least), and now I'm well below (I use BMI as my guide). It has taken discipline, but it is do-able. Little by little, step by step, day by day. . . .

    You'll know when you are where you want to be--good, maintainable weight.

    Don't give up.