Anyone have experience with personal trainers?

So I have struggled with being healthy all my life. Im not super overweight, I just want to live a way healthier lifestyle.. about 25 lbs lighter lol. I ALWAYS struggle with yo yoing my wieght though and I dont really know how to eat healthy. Anyways so I am thinking about hiring a personal trainer to help learn these things. I was very thankful bc I am a college student, on a budget and this pt who usually charges $50/hr is going to charge me $35 instead. I was wondering, have any of you hired a personal trainer and if so how much did it help you, how long did you keep training with them and is $35/hr a good price for a good personal trainer? (shes legit)


  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    I found that I work better without a personal trainer, although I learned a lot at the beginning on how to workout. They are not usually certified to direct you in nutrition (although I guess you could find one that is).

    I have a personal trainer who I use when I am struggling with changing my routine, or for example I am going to train for the Warrior Dash so I will use them for that.

    But I find I work out better on my own
  • melmccabe
    melmccabe Posts: 21 Member
    $35 per session is an awesome deal. I pay $75 per hour session with my trainer. I have worked with him for 8 weeks now, 3 times a week and I love it! You will see results too. I lost 26 lbs and several inches (down 2 pant sizes) during those 8 weeks.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    I haven;t used a personal trainer but $35 is a great price, you wont find better
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    My first experience with a personal trainer was my last...he tried to tell me about "Mr. Protein" and "Mr. Carb" (basically trying to tell me why my low carb diet was going to kill me). It was the first of two free sessions my gym gave me. I declined the second session.
  • cnsmith2
    cnsmith2 Posts: 539 Member
    If it is a good trainer, who knows their stuff then it is totally worth it. The biggest thing really, it comes down to you and your attitude. If you work hard for / with them and on your own then if you can afford it, it's totally something you should at least try!
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    My first experience with a personal trainer was my last...he tried to tell me about "Mr. Protein" and "Mr. Carb" (basically trying to tell me why my low carb diet was going to kill me). It was the first of two free sessions my gym gave me. I declined the second session.

    ROTFL, I think i'm going to use Mr. Protein and Mr. Carb to talk to my son about his obsession with Mr. Junk Food and Mr. Video game.
  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    If you're looking for healthy eating tips, I'd go with a nutritionist or dietician over a trainer. Sure, trainers learn about nutrition, but their main focus is exercise.
  • mandasimba
    mandasimba Posts: 782 Member
    I had a great experience with one but I have seen others at the gym who I would have hated. I always thought I was doing good at the gym and was in good shape until I had a free "bootcamp" session. I realized I was wrong :p I then got a trainer for only 6 sessions. I just wanted tips and new ideas. New and different ways to lift, make sure my form was right and effective but not boring (treadmill) ways to incorporate cardio. He did just that.

    I have seen many trainers at the gym put together these weird contraptions that you need a lot of assistance with and could never do those types of things without them. They "train" you by teaching you things that make you become reliable on them. It seems insane and I would have quit right away if I was part of that!

    The biggest thing the trainer I had told me was to just be completly open and honest with them about what you want. What are your short and long term goals, goals for working with them, after working with them.

    If you don't understand why you are doing a certain exercise, ask why. If something feels funny while doing it, make you tell them. Pretend they are your doctor or your hair stylist, just completly open up and be honest. If you have a question, request, confused about something... just ask!
  • achampionsheart
    achampionsheart Posts: 1,020 Member
    i dont pay for my personal trainer. the co. i work for pays a trainer to come from atlanta two days a month and he helps us to get in shape.....i am often texting him so that i can get new workout ideas, he often times sends me helpful articles that references my diabetes and howexercise and proper eating can help me maintain myhealth, and he switches up my workouts when he comes every month. i do not know what he is paid, but i wouldnt trade Jay for anything....
  • missikay1970
    missikay1970 Posts: 588 Member
    my brother is a personal trainer. he sees great results in his clients WHO TRY. he said he has clients who will work hard with him and "seem" dedicated, then eat like crap the other times when he's not around. he said he has many clients who have worked with him for 2 years and they have seen zero results. i guess my point is, a personal trainer is only going to be as good as you are willing to give. if you try hard and really try with everything you are told to do, you should benefit. i think the price you are getting is wonderful. also keep in mind, you could barter. my brother does "free" training sessions for some clients who give him things/services. one of his clients owns an art gallery and he got an awesome (and expensive) piece of art by trading for several sessions of working-out. :smile:
  • chicagocubsfan23
    I think it depends on where you go. When I went to Golds Gym I believe it was like $50 an hour but at Snap I pay $20 for an hour session. But I also sign a contract for so many sessions. I love having the trainer because I am not self-motivated. It used to be if I didn't meet with him, I didn't go to the gym. I can only afford once a week right now though, so I have stepped it up and make myself go on my off days, but each week I get a new workout to do throughout the week so I don't get bored with the same thing over and over.
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    I agree the price is great, I currently pay $48 for HALF hour sessions!!
  • brk_1982
    brk_1982 Posts: 125 Member
    I hired one almost two years ago, and I'm still working with her. At first I lost a LOT of inches (like, 26” in 6 weeks) but not much weight. I didn't eat what she told me to, and I stayed around the same weight/size for a long time but I got so much stronger! When I started with her, I couldn't do one real push up, now I can do 15-20; I couldn't hold a plank for more than 10 seconds, now I can do a minute or more. At first I saw her three times a week, and after a while I switched to two times a week. Now that I am FINALLY eating as she recommends, I am losing again. I know at some point I'll have to go on my own - it has cost me a LOT of $$, haha. Honestly, if I had never lost an inch or a pound, I would still be so glad I connected with her. I never would have had the motivation or confidence to accomplish what I have without her. $35 sounds like a good rate. My only piece of advice is to make sure your trainer is a good fit for you. Do you need someone to get really tough with you? Or someone to be really supportive and encouraging? Someone to hold you accountable, or just provide you information? Think about what you want to get out of the relationship and set those expectations up front so you don’t end up feeling like you wasted your money and time. Sorry for the novel! Any questions, feel free to ask, and add me if you want. Good luck!! :happy:
  • EmmaJean7
    EmmaJean7 Posts: 163 Member
    thanks so much guys for the info. Im so encouraged! The place we are going to workout in is a free workout room open to the public in a Church's gym so I wont have to pay a gym membership, just what she is charging. And shes really good she trained at one of Texas's biggest colleges for 4 years. Being a college student on a budget I need as much help financially as I can so it makes me feel good that this is a good deal. Thanks for the advice :)
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    I pay $50/hour for a PT to come to my house. She's the #1 reason I've stayed on track for 5 months. In the past, if I had a bad day, it would be tough to get back on track. However, after a hard (albeit unwanted, LOL) workout, it's much easier to get back on track.

    I thought I was getting a bargain for $50 but $35 is a steal. As long as you're not committed to a long-term with her, try it out.
  • EmmaJean7
    EmmaJean7 Posts: 163 Member
    Also, I feel like I need a pt cause the outside motivation will help big time 1) shell be teaching me how to eat right, what time of the day, and personalize a workout schedule for my goals 2) If I am paying for something I will DEF take it more seriously and it will be way more accountability than what Im doing right now...