Movies you thought you'd never like...



  • chickenpoppa
    chickenpoppa Posts: 207 Member
    The Hangover 1 & 2
    Star Wars
  • ElementalMoe
    ElementalMoe Posts: 186 Member
    How about movies I thought I'd love and absolutely hated instead? Like Breakfast at Tiffany's....that was a snoozefest, guess I missed the hype.

    Back to the topic...

    I thought I'd hate Twilight but I can tolerate it at the very least so that's something. Also I originally thought the latest Bale series of Batman was going to be yet another failed attempt to bring back the superhero movie but I was wrong. I think it's the best attempt yet.

    What?!?! Breakfast at Tiffany's is AWESOME! Next you're going to say you didn't like "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof"! Yeesh.

    As a rule, I avoid over-hyped popular movies (The one exception is Harry Potter), and I stick to classics, independents, or foreign. I'm very rarely let down. Yes, I'm a movie snob.
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    I tried really hard to hate Avatar but I'm too much of a hippie not to like that story.
  • mdfeller
    mdfeller Posts: 135
    Fast Five. I absolutely love Vin Diesel in Fast & Furious, but all the other movies after that one just really sucked. I thought for sure Fast Five would as well. I was wrong. There were parts of it that were rather stupid, but I actually enjoyed it. Not really loved, but did enjoy.
  • Mallory0418
    Mallory0418 Posts: 723 Member
    I don't know why, but I put off seeing Inception until this past weekend. I guess I felt like I was being a rebel not watching it with all the hype about it when it came out. I LOVED it but I was also very intimidated to go to sleep that night...
  • yoshi91610
    yoshi91610 Posts: 177 Member
    I am a HUGE movie lover..but i just couldn't get interested in Lord of the Rings...until my husband made me watch them. I enjoyed them, although I still didn't love them.

    And the new Nightmare on Elm Street. I really thought that it was going to suck bad since Robert Englund wasn't in it, but i loved it.

    And finally, I have to say (since my all-time fave movie is The Terminator) that I was really really excited to see Rise of the Machines, but that movie was so terrible I am sad to say I actually own it. So when they came out with number 4 I wasn't interested--AT ALL. but a friend rented it one night and I really enjoyed it.