
Hi all, I am new to this site and could use some snack suggestions because I am STARVING!! :)

Thank you in advance.


  • windyweather88
    Almonds are my new favorite thing! Bananas are good, too. Some natural peanut butter on whole wheat/whole grain bread is a solid choice.
  • xlovemehalwaiyzx
    Welcome to MFP! what kind of foods do you like? chocolate? i go with Kudos they are granola bars and are soo yummy..
    Chips? i buy the little kid snack packs of the lays baked. it's and assortment & all under 150calories!
    hope that helped some!
  • mysticalboe
    Hi! Welcome aboard. I know it's tough....especially at the start. I like to snack on almonds, carrot sticks, apples w/peanut butter, banana and then follow anything up with water. and if you still feel hungry, chew a piece of gum and distract yourself so as not to think about it! Hope this helps! :)
  • mysticalboe
    oh...Kashi has a dark chocolate w/coconut bar that is pretty good too. I didn't like the pumpkin spice bar at all. ;) But it's filling!
  • kboivin03
    kboivin03 Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you fo all the good ideas! This has helped tremendously until I get on track!