How can i stay 1200 and not going over? please help



  • nowornever47
    nowornever47 Posts: 333 Member
    There are a lot of good suggestions above. Whatever you do, however, do not go below 1200 calories a day. It is extremely unhealthy, and, even though you may lose a lot of weight in the beginning, your weight loss will taper off and your metabolism will slow down. Also, spread out your calories. If you must eat the majority of your calories at one meal, make it your breakfast. Good luck!

    I am proof - I have been on a 1200 suggested calorie per day routine since May and this just happened to me! I lost almost 2 lbs every week for the first 32 lbs and all of a sudden, my body halted and said ummm nope, not losing weight on the scale anymore! I finally figured out (okay, took me over a month) that my body is sending me a huge message! Do NOT eat under 1200 calories a day - so I upped it to 1340 to lose a 1/2 lb a week and make sure I eat at least 1/2 my exercise calories back, if not all... wish me luck, I am hoping to see that scale go down... I have seen a decrease in inches though, so the exercise is definitely paying off! Good luck to you - it's all about finding your own balance. Taking healthy snacks to work with me helps a lot!
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    ok i went on a website where i can find my BMR and it says this. You have a BMR of 1241.6. My TDEE its says 1699.

    Set your goal to only half a pound a week. That's a deficit of 250 calories per day, so if your TDEE is 1699 you'll have a daily goal of 1449 + exercise instead of 1200 + exercise.

    (Edit to say that MFP will calculate your TDEE differently because most sites will include exercise when calculating your TDEE, whereas MFP adds exercise only after you log it. If you are sedentary, MFP will tell you your maintenance calories for a BMR of 1242 is 1553. Then a 250 calorie deficit will bring you to 1303 + exercise...which will still give you a little more wiggle room than 1200.)
  • It is a really good idea not to eat after 8pm so if you feel hungry around 7:45 eat a fat free yogurt with 1/2 cup frozen blueberries. It is sweet and filling. Hope this helps
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    It is a really good idea not to eat after 8pm so if you feel hungry around 7:45 eat a fat free yogurt with 1/2 cup frozen blueberries. It is sweet and filling. Hope this helps

    Timing of meals doesn't matter unless you have acid reflux. I eat dinner nearly every single night between 8pm and 9:30pm without any negative effects.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    If you want to lose body fat (sounds liek what you want) and gain definition, you need to eat plenty of calories. understanding BMR and TDEE is critical as others have mentioned. Like agthon said, does the 1700 calories include your exericse. The biggest thing to worry about is muscle growth and loss of inches. Keeping in mind that gaining muscle might increase the scale but it has the potential of losing around your body.

    Essentially, you can't spot reduce so there are things required to eliminate fat from an area. Simply put, you need to build muscle (this is key) to burn body fat from your entire body. So how do you do this. Well in my experience, you reduce your deficit to 1/2 lb per week, and you lift heavy as well as change your routine every 30 days. This is actually the science behind programs like p90x and insanity. It's the reason why they work. With these programs (liek many others) it requires a good amount of food to fuel your system.

    For example:

    I am 195 @ 11% body fat.

    My BMR is 2070. I do p90x so I am moderately active, so my TDEE is 2070 * 1.55 = 3209. With 1/2 lb of weight loss (since I am less than 20 lbs less in my weight loss program), I should eat around 2950 calories. Using this method (Katch McArdle formula) I have decrease my body fat from 18% and maintained lean body mass. I am showing some good definiton as well but still looking for more.

    Something to think about.
  • babybellyfat
    babybellyfat Posts: 1,102 Member
    Thank you so much for all your info. You are all a big help.
  • calderst
    calderst Posts: 222 Member
    ok i went on a website where i can find my BMR and it says this. You have a BMR of 1241.6. My TDEE its says 1699. I dont wnat to loose too much weight couse i am TIny im 4 feet 8 and im 33 years old. I am tiny everywhere just my belly. :( My wii fit says im NOrmal weight lol But I just want to loose my belly fat and eat healthy and not gain more again. I have gain and my wii fit said I did aswell. I know i did couse i cant go up the stairs like i did before my asthma gets to me.

    so 124.6 and 1699 what you think?


    If your BMR is 1241, 1200 is too low & you're likely setting yourself up for failure because you won't be able to maintain that kind of diet. Unfortunately, "abs are made in the kitchen"-- so to get rid of your belly bulge, you will need to focus on your nutrition. Since you don't have a bunch of weight to lose, you may want to just go at it gradually... the slower it comes off, the easier it is to keep off (or so I've heard). If your TDEE is 1700 to maintain your current weight, try keeping it around 1500 for a couple weeks and see what happens.

    No matter what any of us tell you to do, you need to experiment and figure out what works and what you are going to be able to do for the long term.
  • FR89
    FR89 Posts: 186 Member
    my target cals per day is 1200 too, and i sometimes/mostly go over by 100 or 150.. :frown: but i try to burn 600-700 cals at the gym 4-5 times a week.

    I get hungry alot and what I do is split my meals too.. like soup and a sandwich at lunch time.. i have soup 1st.. and then half of my sandwich, other half I leave for s snack at 4. This helps kill my hunger for a while and also gives me energy to hit the gym after work. I have also tried to control my 'midnight munchies' - 1stly I get so tired from gym that I jump in bed early and 2ndly because I try to work out hard at gym I get thirsty a lot so I have water at night instead of solid food!

    although I am not losing any weight yet :frown: (been at it for 3.5weeks) I hope I see some results soon!

    Good Luck :smile:
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    i personally have found that a good breakfast (about a 1/4 of your daily calories) can help you stay full, and fight off cravings. a two egg omlete, with chopped peppers or tomatoes, and a whole wheat wrap is about 375 calories full of protein and carbs.

    *please, no breakfast haters* just gving options, not broscience.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    It is a really good idea not to eat after 8pm so if you feel hungry around 7:45 eat a fat free yogurt with 1/2 cup frozen blueberries. It is sweet and filling. Hope this helps

    Timing of meals doesn't matter unless you have acid reflux. I eat dinner nearly every single night between 8pm and 9:30pm without any negative effects.

    i feel that the statement "timing of meals doesn't matter" is an inaccurate generalization. people need to plan their meals, but eating before X o'clock or after X o'clock will not affect their diet as much as certain myths are leading us to believe.

    personally, i try not to eat anything two hours before bed, and have breakfast within 90 minutes of waking up.
  • FR89
    FR89 Posts: 186 Member
    i personally have found that a good breakfast (about a 1/4 of your daily calories) can help you stay full, and fight off cravings. a two egg omlete, with chopped peppers or tomatoes, and a whole wheat wrap is about 375 calories full of protein and carbs.

    *please, no breakfast haters* just gving options, not broscience.

    Very good idea - i might try with one egg though. i always struggle with breakfast! especially on weekdays. Today I had a small glass of milk at home and an apple at work. I will try to have egg and wrap over the weekend and during the weekdays too - if i can get out of bed on time!

    ps. is having a wrap better then having a toast?

    Thanks.. =)
  • Trick is to eat more! do a couple of thousand calories worth of exercise and then try your best to eat 3200 cals that you will need to consume! this way you will be eating a good healthy amount and give your body all the nutrients it deserves
  • I find that I like to eat lots of things rather than just 1 bigger thing. I still like to snack and knew when I started this I needed to find things that were reletavily low calories that I could fill up on.

    For my lunch I usually have a salad or soup, a yoghurt, a jelly and a bag or rice cakes, one bigger item wouldn't work for me as I would still feel I wanted more. I find raw veg, a piece of fruit and low calorie jellies are great for adding items but not heaps of calories! At night I like a snack around 8pm and usually something sweet. I always make sure I have skinny cow ice creams in the freezer (93 calories a stick), pink and white mallow biscuits (50 calories each) and meringues (50 calories each) in the cupboard so there is a low calorie option there for me.

    I also think porridge or muesli in the morning is great for filling you up, also weight watchers bagels feel really good and filling.

    Hope this helps

  • MrsNoir
    MrsNoir Posts: 236 Member
    Hi! I'm new mum too, and I'm on 1,200 calories diet, mind if I add you? you can check my diary, I basically survive by doing exercise and eating back most of those calories!:D. If you add me you can have a look at my diary and see how many biscuits and ice cream I eat, lol.. and loads of coffee too.. but like you I also have thyroid problems (I'm hypo, so tend to put on weight if I forget to take the tablets in a day or two).. probably the same as yours, as usually hyper have the opposite effect, they are far too skinny. :D. So far I've been losing weight, and I'm getting quite close to my goal. I choose to eat loads of staff that doesn't have a great deal of calories and food that I've read that they help burn the fat, or help your body erase the extra water retention, and all that, and I also post this type of food in my blog, so everybody can benefit from it :D
  • I am also on a 1200 calorie limit while I try to shed these last 12 lbs. I have been on this for almost two months. At first it was difficult! I am not going to lie. However, as time went on, I learned the best things to eat to stay under my calories. Additionally, on days you workout, you gain those calories back and can eat more. For those who tell you not to eat your exercise calories back, that is not right. I am proof that eating your exercise calories back still helps you lose weight and keep it off.

    I cannot cook right now (I am in the military and deployed) but I usually eat this on days I don't exercise:

    Breakfast - 2 pieces of whole wheat toast w/ low-fat butter (1/2 - 1 tbsp), 1 fruit, 1 bowl (39g) of cereal, skim milk, and coffee w/ skim milk and sweet n low

    Lunch - Sandwich (2 pieces of wheat bread, deli meat, lettuce, onion, pickle, jalapeno, cheese (1 slice)), yogurt and cucumbers

    Dinner - Grilled Chicken sandwich on a hamburger bun (or two grilled chicken breasts without the buns), hot sauce and chopped bell peppers
  • Wow ... some fantastic advice here so really not much more to be added.

    1. Drink your water (add some fresh lemon wedges for something a little different if you find plain water too boring) - and don't worry about going to the loo all the time. that will pass in a day or so -as soon as your body has flushed its system and realised that it doesnt have to store the water because more is coming. But, the second you stop drinking it you go back to square one so keep it there. i have a waterbottle 750ml that i just make sure i have one by 11am, another by 2pm the third by 5pm and take the rest to bed to sip on if i wake up during the night. It works for me....
    2. Protein, protein and protein. i too live on my tinned tuna and protein rich foods (chicken, ham, Atkins bars)
    3. Avocado - do you like avodado? It is high in calories but 1/4 small avocado a day provides plenty of "good" fats that help your metabolism burn....or so they say (I suscribe to this one because I love avocado and could eat it all day)
    4. Work out your own meal-times. I have found that i am starving at 10am, 2pm and 9 at night. It doesn't matter what i ate before or at what time - this just happens to be the time that my body says - hey I am ready for food right now. So I have made these my main meal times and have a small snack in between just to keep the metabolism ticking over. I mean I could eat a 3 course meal at 8 at night and be so stuffed i cannot move but will then by "hungry" again at 9!!! By changing my mealtimes it has made life so much easier and taken away so much of the angst with this lifestyle change (okay diet).

    Good luck. BTW - my diary is open but I have not logged my food or exercise for the past two weeks....and still lost weight so i know what I am doing is working for me. (Averaging 2.2lbs per week - yay)
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    i personally have found that a good breakfast (about a 1/4 of your daily calories) can help you stay full, and fight off cravings. a two egg omlete, with chopped peppers or tomatoes, and a whole wheat wrap is about 375 calories full of protein and carbs.

    *please, no breakfast haters* just gving options, not broscience.

    Very good idea - i might try with one egg though. i always struggle with breakfast! especially on weekdays. Today I had a small glass of milk at home and an apple at work. I will try to have egg and wrap over the weekend and during the weekdays too - if i can get out of bed on time!

    ps. is having a wrap better then having a toast?

    Thanks.. =)

    one wrap and two pieces of toast can have about the same amount of calories. i like the wrap because i can, well, wrap my omelet in it. yes, you should probably use one egg, and i chop up like, two peppers or a tomato early in the week and keep it in a container so that i can just toss it in my omelet in the morning. maybe i'll try beans this weekend though.
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    It is a really good idea not to eat after 8pm so if you feel hungry around 7:45 eat a fat free yogurt with 1/2 cup frozen blueberries. It is sweet and filling. Hope this helps

    Timing of meals doesn't matter unless you have acid reflux. I eat dinner nearly every single night between 8pm and 9:30pm without any negative effects.

    I didn't say not to plan meals, which is not the same thing as when you eat them. Most days I have everything (food and exercise) entered into my log before lunchtime. I already know what I'm going to be eating at 9pm, I just don't get to it until I get home.

    i feel that the statement "timing of meals doesn't matter" is an inaccurate generalization. people need to plan their meals, but eating before X o'clock or after X o'clock will not affect their diet as much as certain myths are leading us to believe.

    personally, i try not to eat anything two hours before bed, and have breakfast within 90 minutes of waking up.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    I am also on a 1200 calorie limit while I try to shed these last 12 lbs. I have been on this for almost two months. At first it was difficult! I am not going to lie. However, as time went on, I learned the best things to eat to stay under my calories. Additionally, on days you workout, you gain those calories back and can eat more. For those who tell you not to eat your exercise calories back, that is not right. I am proof that eating your exercise calories back still helps you lose weight and keep it off.

    I cannot cook right now (I am in the military and deployed) but I usually eat this on days I don't exercise:

    Breakfast - 2 pieces of whole wheat toast w/ low-fat butter (1/2 - 1 tbsp), 1 fruit, 1 bowl (39g) of cereal, skim milk, and coffee w/ skim milk and sweet n low

    Lunch - Sandwich (2 pieces of wheat bread, deli meat, lettuce, onion, pickle, jalapeno, cheese (1 slice)), yogurt and cucumbers

    Dinner - Grilled Chicken sandwich on a hamburger bun (or two grilled chicken breasts without the buns), hot sauce and chopped bell peppers

    The problem with eating under 1200 calories is you aren't getting the nutrition your body needs and the weight you are losing is going to be muscle, which in the end will slow your metabolism. More than likely, you have issues losing weight because you weren't eating enough (I have personally seen this a hundred times). Also, my question is, since you only have the last 12 lbs to lose, what is you deficit at because you should be around .5 lb per week. Below I will explain:

    I see last time your last weigh in was 129. Even if we estimate your body fat being 25% your basal metabolic rate (BMR or the amount of calories you were burn if you slept for 24 hours) we will be able to obtain your lean body mass which can lead us to your BMR.

    LBM = 129 - (129*.25) = 96.8

    BMR = 370+(9.79759519*96.8) = 1317.9

    This means by sleeping 24 hours, you would burn 1317.9 calories. After finding your BMR, you will need to figure out how much energy you expend throughout the day (weather you work behind a desk - sedentary; or you are preparing for war - very active; or in between). This is known as your total daily energy expended (TDEE) which is a multiplier on the BMR. From there you can form a caloric deficit based on your goals. Below is the outline of TDEE

    BMR 1317.9

    Sedentary - 1317.9 * 1.2 = 1581
    Lightly active - 1317.9 * 1.375 = 1812
    Moderately Active - 1317.9 *1.55 = 2042
    Very Active - 1317.9 * 1.725 = 2273
    Athlete - 1317.9 * 1.9 = 2504

    These are the TDEE multipliers as defined by the Katch McArdle formula

    Sedentary = BMR X 1.2 (little or no exercise, desk job)
    Lightly active = BMR X 1.375 (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/wk)
    Mod. active = BMR X 1.55 (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/wk)
    Very active = BMR X 1.725 (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days/wk)
    Extr. active = BMR X 1.9 (hard daily exercise/sports & physical job or 2X day training, i.e marathon, contest etc.)

    Now, once you have your TDEE number (essentially maintenance calories) you can create your deficit

    1000 calories max if you need 100+ lbs to lose
    750 calories 50-100 lbs to lose
    500 calories 20-50 lbs to lose
    250 calories < 20

    ^ all approximates based on my reading

    Now there are two approaches to take on that above approach as well. First approach is to eat at your work lifestyle calories (i work behind a desk) so I would eat sedentary calories but eat back 100% of my exercise calories (in order to not create a larger deficit). The second approach (in my opinion the better and easier approach) is factor in your exercise into your calories. I workout 5-6 days a week doing p90x which is rather extreme (very active), so I would have to eat a very active level each day (even when I do not work out) am exercise forms my deficits. Some days deficits might be 1000 calories and others 250 but over the week spam, I should have about 1750 calories deficit based on my intake and output (I am at 11% body fat and have about 10 or less lbs to lose; I am mostly concentrating on losing body fat and don't care about losing weight).

    I will say there is one more step, which includes figuring out exact quantities (it takes a few months) because even with the most accurate body fat and weight, your bodies metabolism isn't always aligned with the numbers. For me, it took two months to figure out where I can lose weight but maintain muscle mass.

    Hope this helps put things in perspective, if anyone needs help, let me know.

  • Hi! I have around the same calories as you a day. I eat a good breakfast, eggs & toast (very light butter), a snack between breakfast and lunch, like a granola bar, I eat either a can of chicken or tuna with some healthy crackers or maybe grill up some chicken breast tenders, I'll have a snack between lunch and dinner, maybe a few crackers, and then dinner whatever I have I make sure is measured and small portion. You must exercise in order to eat more calories! Walk for 60 mins at a steady pace, should burn between 300-400 calories! Do a fun work-out! Boring work-outs are no fun and hard to stick to! I do Just Sweat on the Just Dance 2 game for Wii for 60 mins and burn about 400-500 calories! I get to snack more when I do the exercising! My point, burn burn burn burn calories which will in turn allow you to consume more calories which will fill you more! Hope this helps and good luck on your journey! :)