so... who's the fatty in your relationship?

*rasies hand jumping up and down*

As a woman, is it important for you to weigh less than your man?

As a man, does it bother you to have a woman that out-weighs you?



  • deathstarclock
    deathstarclock Posts: 512 Member
    The fatty in my relationship is Skippy Natural. And she wears the pants unfortunately (I can't resist that creamy goodness for the life of me >_< )
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    lol we are both lardy fat arses, but my *kitten* is less lardy than his x
  • PeytonLT
    I definitely am. My husband is 5'9" and 170lbs soaking wet. I'm nearly twice his size, but it has never bothered him. He fell in love with me at my highest weight and will continue to love and support me in any weight loss or gain. He's so freakin' awesome!!!
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    Hubby used to be, but in the time it took me to lose 30lbs he lost 110lbs... so right now I think we are sitting within 5-10lbs of each other :noway:
  • HazelElfwand
    great question!!!! I'll be so interested to see the responses! I won't lie, I do like to weigh less than my man but I think that's just preference. He wouldn't care either way. I weigh more now than my ex (he's 148 lbs soaking wet) but I didn't then....I think I would be self conscious if I was still with him at this weight. I think that's only because he's very very lean and ripped because of it and I think I would be conscious of my flab! lol I don't know why I feel that way, and I know it's only personal because I don't think anything of it when I see women that are heavier than their men. Who cares? Love is love!
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    *rasies hand jumping up and down*

    As a woman, is it important for you to weigh less than your man?

    As a man, does it bother you to have a woman that out-weighs you?


    I totally was the fatty although I didn't outweigh him, but not anymore. Hubby is a tall big nerd. :heart:

    It's important for me not to outweigh him, and I have no desire to be stronger than him either.
  • Charise317
    Charise317 Posts: 33 Member
    We both are so we are kicking each others behinds
  • Nikki_is_Knotty
    Nikki_is_Knotty Posts: 248 Member
    I definitely am. I outweigh him by 40 lbs i think. He has no problem with my size, but i do, I want to be smaller than him for sure! He has a lot to lose (says him), but i wouldnt change him a bit!
  • emilydmac
    emilydmac Posts: 382 Member
    My wonderful fiance who was as lean as could be when I met him- has now gained relationship weight (I gained it too, and lost it) doesn't mind being the bigger one. However, at 6'2", and with me at 5'5" he was always going to be bigger than me!!! I love him just the same!
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    I don't think either of us are fat, we are both trying to become more fit though, and my husband had slightly high cholesterol last check up that we are hoping to nix with diet changes. When I was pregnant with my boys I gained nearly 90 pounds both times, it bothered me immensely to weigh more than him. It would bother me now to weight more than him! And not just if I got big, but if he got all scrawny on me and lost all his muscle and became smaller than me that would bother me too!!!
  • MrsVagus
    The day I joined MFP was the day I realized that my husband weighed as much as I did. He had been losing a ton of weight and caught up to me pretty quickly. So hard for me- I was always used to being much thinner than him. :grumble:
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    I think im the fatty!! D:

    He weighs 50 lbs more than me but is wayyyy lean >.>
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    Since my husband is down to less than 6% body fat and I am 5'2" and 197 pounds, That would make me Mrs. Sprat.
    I am NOT liking it. I've lost 32 pounds since Memorial Day, but there is no way I even want to go to such an extreme as he has. The doctor told him he has to gain weight and body fat, but he has only gone down more since being told that. I'm sick of hearing him complain that he can't eat so much, while he eats on of my 80 calorie yogurts.
  • hello77kitty
    hello77kitty Posts: 260 Member
    I am :( SO is naturally thin. I think I have about 40lbs on him.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Why not both? Then it is like trying to shove 2 jello molds together...
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    Sigh. I was just feeling bad about this this weekend. My husband weighs less than me, and is taller than me, too. Of course, he is amazing and has never been bothered by my weight even at my heaviest he adored me completely and didn't treat me differently in the slightest. He honestly didn't seem to notice an extra 70 pounds. Unfortunately, it bothers me. And it's why I don't have the guts to tell him how much I weigh.
  • tiggerzshorty
    I have been with my husband since I was in High School. We both were very fit people. Until his accident. Now we both have lost muscle but only I have gained weight. Sadly I'm the Fatty. Not for long so I hope! I enjoy have a man bigger than me.
  • Amber82479
    Amber82479 Posts: 629 Member
    Good lord yes, it is VERY important to me that I weigh less than my husband. I know that's stupid, but there it is. He's only a couple of inches taller than me, and at one point he was only 5lbs. heavier than me and it made me feel awful about myself. Currently, he's about 30lbs. over my weight and trying to lose, like I am. So, if he loses his 30 and I lose my remaining 13, he'll still out-weigh me by 15lbs., which I'm okay with.
  • FindingMyself239
    really good question... I MEAN IM 5"10 and weigh 229.6 and my future hubby is 5"8 and weighs 178lbs...he says the weight doesnt bother him and he could care less but i must admit it makes me feel alittle uncomfortable..I LOVE HIM AND HE LOVES ME BUT ITS LIKE GOSH...HE EATS A BOX OF PIZZA LOOSES 10LBS and if i do the same i gain it doesnt matter i guess:)
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    It was ME from the beginning, and then I lost a lot while he gained some, so it became him. Now I've gained a few back while he has lost a couple, so we're almost neck-in-neck.

    Luckily, neither of us cares about each other's weights aesthetically. :heart: