need help with calorie intake and generaal questions

I have a few questions that I need clarified since I am new to MFP.

1) If I eat my 1200 calories a day but work out and it puts me under I am not hurting myself by not eating more calories?

2) At the end of a busy day I realize I am under my 1200 calories and it is 9pm. Do I stick to my no eating past 7pm rule or eat something to ensure I reach my daily calorie intake?

3) What are low calorie healthy snacks that you eat to fill in calories? I find that I am under 1200 calories by 10-60 some nights and have a hard time finding something small to eat because I am not even hungry.

Any input is appreciated!


  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    I have a few questions that I need clarified since I am new to MFP.

    1) If I eat my 1200 calories a day but work out and it puts me under I am not hurting myself by not eating more calories?

    2) At the end of a busy day I realize I am under my 1200 calories and it is 9pm. Do I stick to my no eating past 7pm rule or eat something to ensure I reach my daily calorie intake?

    3) What are low calorie healthy snacks that you eat to fill in calories? I find that I am under 1200 calories by 10-60 some nights and have a hard time finding something small to eat because I am not even hungry.

    Any input is appreciated!

    1. You might lose some weight initially, but you most likely will end up plateau'ing in your weight loss.

    2. You can eat after 7pm. It has no effect on your weight loss or general health. Meal timing is irrelevant.

    3. Have a tablespoon of peanut butter, some fruit, or about 10 nuts.
  • rachelleahsmom
    rachelleahsmom Posts: 442 Member
    Here is my take on it.

    You need to have net 1200 calories just to maintain regular function of your body, so if you exercise, eat a little more. Some people say eat all exercise calories, some say half. Do what works for you.

    If you are under your calorie goal at 9 p.m., I would say eat if you are hungry and don't if you're not. Just make sure you are getting enough throughout the day so your system doesn't shut down. There is no magic to not eating at night. Weight loss is simple math. Calories in v. calories out. It doesn't really matter what time of day they are eaten.

    My go to food is yogurt. I especially like the Yoplait temptations. 100 calories and they are really filling. My weakness is carbs - crackers!

    Best of luck to you!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    1. Yes, you may be hurting yourself if it is a common occurrence, as having to large of a deficit may lead to your body burning lean muscle off, not just the fat you want to lose.

    2. eat at anytime

    3. being +/- 50ish cals is not a problem, if you are more than that under you could eat anything or drink something if you are not overly hungry.
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    I have a few questions that I need clarified since I am new to MFP.

    1) If I eat my 1200 calories a day but work out and it puts me under I am not hurting myself by not eating more calories?

    2) At the end of a busy day I realize I am under my 1200 calories and it is 9pm. Do I stick to my no eating past 7pm rule or eat something to ensure I reach my daily calorie intake?

    3) What are low calorie healthy snacks that you eat to fill in calories? I find that I am under 1200 calories by 10-60 some nights and have a hard time finding something small to eat because I am not even hungry.

    Any input is appreciated!

    1. You might lose some weight initially, but you most likely will end up plateau'ing in your weight loss.

    2. You can eat after 7pm. It has no effect on your weight loss or general health. Meal timing is irrelevant.

    3. Have a tablespoon of peanut butter, some fruit, or about 10 nuts.

    Agree with this one 100% --- if you have calories left, it doesn't matter what time it is.
    I do find certain foods do not help me sleep though so I avoid heavy carbs late at night.

    The one thing I would add is that 1200 is probably too low to begin with.
    Unless you have 75+ lbs to lose or you're extremely tiny already like under 5' likely need more.

    Your diary is not open and you don't post your height/weight/goal -- but 99% of the time, 1200 is too low.
  • BrandiK214
    I am 5'1" and my current weight is 159.5. My goal is 130lbs. This is my fourth week on MFP and I have lost 7.5 lbs to date. The 1200 calories is what MFP recommended.
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    Agree with this one 100% --- if you have calories left, it doesn't matter what time it is.
    I do find certain foods do not help me sleep though so I avoid heavy carbs late at night.

    The one thing I would add is that 1200 is probably too low to begin with.
    Unless you have 75+ lbs to lose or you're extremely tiny already like under 5' likely need more.

    Your diary is not open and you don't post your height/weight/goal -- but 99% of the time, 1200 is too low.

    I am 5'1" and my current weight is 159.5. My goal is 130lbs. This is my fourth week on MFP and I have lost 7.5 lbs to date. The 1200 calories is what MFP recommended.

    Actually if you choose to lose 1lb/week your daily goal would be 1,220 -- so being short makes a big difference :)
    Sometimes when I plateau I just cycle my calories -- like I will do 1600 for a week, then 1200 for a week and then go back to my 1400. Also I noticed that sometimes if I go to the gym every day I just stop losing period --- so I take a few days off and all is well again. Your body just needs to be suprised sometimes.

    Guidelines for setting your goals based on weight you need to lose:

    75lbs or more: Choose to lose 2lbs/week
    40-75 pounds: Choose to lose 1.5lbs/week
    25-40 pounds: Choose to lose 1lb/week
    15-20 pounds: Choose either 1/2lb or 1lb
    Less than 15/20 pounds: choose 1/2 lb/week

    You are correct though, if you try to be more aggress and choose 1.5 or 2lbs at your height, it will sy 1200 -- but MFP will never give anyone a number lower than that.

    If you're losing weight at first, that's great -- but when you notice yo stop losing you should re-evaluate and normally that means upping your calores (as weird as that sounds)