Beginning to think that I'll Always Be Fat...



  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    You are improving your cardiovascular health and decreasing your risk for heart disease.
    You are increasing your stamina and energy levels and improving your quality of life.
    You are building your muscles and better supporting your skeleton to help fight osteoporosis.
    You are feeding your body all the minerals, vitamins and nutrients it needs to fight disease and keep your immune system strong.
    You are increasing your flexibility and mental health and spending more quality time with your children.

    You are SO much healthier than you were before regardless of what the scale says. Always remember that.

    This! You have already had so much so success...don't let a little plateau knock you around. The number on the scale isn't everything, as long as you believe that it is you stay emotionally vulnerable. It's all about making good choices all of the time (or at least most of the time :)) You'll be fine, just ride this phase out the right way.
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    You are improving your cardiovascular health and decreasing your risk for heart disease.
    You are increasing your stamina and energy levels and improving your quality of life.
    You are building your muscles and better supporting your skeleton to help fight osteoporosis.
    You are feeding your body all the minerals, vitamins and nutrients it needs to fight disease and keep your immune system strong.
    You are increasing your flexibility and mental health and spending more quality time with your children.

    You are SO much healthier than you were before regardless of what the scale says. Always remember that.
    Love it! So positive!
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    You are so positive!! Everything will be o.k. just keep at it. When I take pictures and look at myself I feel so much better than any scale could ever make me feel. It will happen. Plateaus suck but this too will pass.
  • mscoco10
    mscoco10 Posts: 527 Member
    i understand; i also spent 3 weeks with no weight loss. I changed everythign up and this week i lost 5lbs. friend me if you would like. our bodies get hip to the changes and we have to shock it again by doing different things.