New here, but not to weight loss

I've had half a dozen blogs and joined handfuls of sites, but I like this app the best, so I'm hoping to find motivation here! In Feb 2009 I started losing weight and have lost over 100 lbs, with about 40-50 to go. I know what to do and how to do it, and how to live a normal life while being healthy and losing weight, I just have let a lot of things waylay me. I haven't gained weight back, just stalled out, and I want to get back into it again. I'm a vegetarian/leaning towards vegan sometimes. I love to run and lift weights and do just about any kind of activity. I'm a health food nut and I love to cook - and eat!

I also run a cat rescue and have a pretty busy job as a web developer, so I have to carve out my time carefully.