Public Food Journal?



  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
    I plan a head and yes it helps me keep with in my calories that way I dont run short on calories at the end of the day before I eat dinner.

    My diary has been open to friends since I began I gots no shame in my game even when I have been bad.
  • cal1973
    cal1973 Posts: 306 Member
    I log my daily food in one go some of it is in advance. However, the problem I have is that I eat everything I've logged even if I'm not hungry???

    Anyway, my diary is open as I know no shame :wink:
  • theginnyray
    theginnyray Posts: 208 Member
    I pre-log my meals in the morning or day before. We're big into meal planning, so I always know what my meals are for the week. I don't like surprises - so if I determine that my dinner is going to be more calories than I would have liked, I can plan my afternoon snack accordingly.
  • ltnangel_92
    Mine is public, right now, but at other times i Take it off. like on weekends. cuz well its weekends. I'm human so usually dont eat that well on Fri, Sat, or Mon. I know Mon- is an odd day to not eat well, but thats how my body works.
    and i manage to correct it throughout the week. so i stay under my goals.

    I also change my goals from 2lbs weight loss to .5lbs weight loss. according to how i know my week is going to go. becuz i am busy or other factors.

    like now i am on midterms, and I work, and I teach a zumba class 3x a week. so Its hard to manage my time lately.
    as long as the number goes down every Week. im good. =)