Considering LowER Carb - suggestions?



  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,023 Member
    Here we go post on low carbs always turn nasty, Anyway I cut my carbs a little and I started to lose weight, It not has low as South Beach or some other low carb diet, Under 100 some days 50-60 most days. It might help.

    What did I miss??? Did this turn nasty???
    Stir of pot.
  • brit49
    brit49 Posts: 461 Member
    Here we go post on low carbs always turn nasty, Anyway I cut my carbs a little and I started to lose weight, It not has low as South Beach or some other low carb diet, Under 100 some days 50-60 most days. It might help.

    What did I miss??? Did this turn nasty???
    Stir of pot.

  • hockey7fan
    hockey7fan Posts: 281 Member
    Belly Fat Cure by Jorge Cruise is an excellent Lower Carb and low sugar system. Works really well.


    Mmmm - Jorge Cruise -- he is hot!!!

    Oh that was off topic . . . I try to stay between 50 and 100 grams of carbs a day which is supposed to be my ideal range for weight loss. I don't eat any grains and the only dairy I have is cheese and butter. I eat fruit -- raspberries, strawberries, grapefruit, apples and pears. I have fruit with breakfast.
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    I spent some time trying to decrease carbs to under 100 per day and found that while I could eat fruit while doing this, it was difficult to eat more than 1 serving of fruit per day and stay under 100 gms. I was limiting grains to 1 serving a day with this, (usually oatmeal). One piece of fruit (usually an apple) and oatmeal came to about 50gms right there. Then adding in cheese, salad dressing, nuts added carbs too.
    I feel for ya! I have lost and gained the same 5 pounds for the past 6 mos! Good luck!
  • sd101483
    sd101483 Posts: 419 Member
    Thank you to everyone for your thoughts and imput! I've got some good ideas and am going to try the lowER carb thing, trying to keep mine around 100, for now - but giving myself the leeway to the 155 with 40-30-30!

    I appreciate all the feedback (and the fact that it didn't turn nasty! ;-) )
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    It's more the possibility of going into ketoacidosis that can happen from maintaining ketosis for too long. Not likely to happen, but, it does happen. This is from a medical perspective as I've seen it. I just generally don't think Atkins is healthy.

    Ketoacidosis is the dangerous condition that happens to Diabetics who also have kidney issues. You are confusing ketosis and ketoacidosis.

    Have you even looked at the recipes on the Atkins website to see what you are saying is simply not true?

    The 20 grams of carbs are only for 2 weeks, then you start upping your carbs and adding in vegetables and then fruit, then nuts, dairy, grains, beans, etc.

    By the way, I am not trying to push Atkins on you, I am just trying to educate on the misconceptions and stereotypes that are mentioned on these threads.
  • sd101483
    sd101483 Posts: 419 Member
    It's more the possibility of going into ketoacidosis that can happen from maintaining ketosis for too long. Not likely to happen, but, it does happen. This is from a medical perspective as I've seen it. I just generally don't think Atkins is healthy.

    Ketoacidosis is the dangerous condition that happens to Diabetics who also have kidney issues. You are confusing ketosis and ketoacidosis.

    Have you even looked at the recipes on the Atkins website to see what you are saying is simply not true?

    The 20 grams of carbs are only for 2 weeks, then you start upping your carbs and adding in vegetables and then fruit, then nuts, dairy, grains, beans, etc.

    By the way, I am not trying to push Atkins on you, I am just trying to educate on the misconceptions and stereotypes that are mentioned on these threads.

    It is true that it is most common in diabetics (specifically moreso in Type 1 (IDDM)), but can also occur in an individual that remains in ketosis for too long (which probably isn't going to happen with Atkins, if you do follow the low carbs for just the first few weeks, but, some people, as we know, aren't that bright) I'm a nurse, trust me, I know the difference between the two. Is ketoacidosis likely to happen to a normal healthy person, no, it's not, but, it certainly can. Generally, your compensatory mechanisms kick in and correct any imbalance before that would happen. I understand the whole acid/base compromise and it's a very scary condition. Again, is it likely in a healthy person, no and I'm aware of that. Truthfully, I'm not all that well educated on Atkins, but, that's because, from what I know of it, and maybe I'm wrong, it seems to contain a lot of high fatty foods - not my thing. I guess I just don't feel it's a healthy diet, overall. (and, again, maybe I'm wrong here, but, didn't Dr. Atkins die of a heart attack?) That's all. That comes from nutrition classes and seeing people with many different health conditions r/t what they eat, etc. I'm not saying it's right or wrong for anyone in particular, to each his own, I'm just saying I don't necessarily think it's right for me.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    So, when I say I've literally tried everything to break my plateau, I really mean I have literally tried EVERYTHING. In my last chance effort, I've decided to give this whole "low carb" thing a go. I never was a big carb eater (rarely eating bread or pasta, but, I do eat a lot of fruit, so I get carbs there, but, I consider these good carbs/sugars) but lately I've been consuming more, I've noticed. So, I'm not sure if I should try something like The South Beach Diet to kick it off, I'm not really drawn to the Atkins approach at all, tho, it's an option. Don't know much abou The Zone, but, know it's out there. Or, there's simply the 40-30-30 method I could attempt on my own. I'm not sure what to do, where to start, etc. Any thoughts, suggestions, opinions, or advice is super appreciated! :)
    Know that if you go back to eating carbs you will gain all the weight back and more. I would just wait and eat healthy carbs. Maybe change up your exercise routine.
  • sd101483
    sd101483 Posts: 419 Member
    So, when I say I've literally tried everything to break my plateau, I really mean I have literally tried EVERYTHING. In my last chance effort, I've decided to give this whole "low carb" thing a go. I never was a big carb eater (rarely eating bread or pasta, but, I do eat a lot of fruit, so I get carbs there, but, I consider these good carbs/sugars) but lately I've been consuming more, I've noticed. So, I'm not sure if I should try something like The South Beach Diet to kick it off, I'm not really drawn to the Atkins approach at all, tho, it's an option. Don't know much abou The Zone, but, know it's out there. Or, there's simply the 40-30-30 method I could attempt on my own. I'm not sure what to do, where to start, etc. Any thoughts, suggestions, opinions, or advice is super appreciated! :)
    Know that if you go back to eating carbs you will gain all the weight back and more. I would just wait and eat healthy carbs. Maybe change up your exercise routine.

    That's a concern I have as wel with going really low carb - everyone that veers of it, seems to gain it back, plus some. *sigh* If only this were an easy thing! ;-)
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    LowER carbs is a good idea I think. It's easy to cut down your usual intake, or find alternatives to switch (sweet potato mash instead of regular potato, for instance)

    I aim to keep between 100-150g carbs a day. But I don't get too stressed out if I don't manage it every day.
  • PB67
    PB67 Posts: 376
    find alternatives to switch (sweet potato mash instead of regular potato, for instance)

    Why do you believe this?
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    It's more the possibility of going into ketoacidosis that can happen from maintaining ketosis for too long. Not likely to happen, but, it does happen. This is from a medical perspective as I've seen it. I just generally don't think Atkins is healthy.

    Ketoacidosis is the dangerous condition that happens to Diabetics who also have kidney issues. You are confusing ketosis and ketoacidosis.

    Have you even looked at the recipes on the Atkins website to see what you are saying is simply not true?

    The 20 grams of carbs are only for 2 weeks, then you start upping your carbs and adding in vegetables and then fruit, then nuts, dairy, grains, beans, etc.

    By the way, I am not trying to push Atkins on you, I am just trying to educate on the misconceptions and stereotypes that are mentioned on these threads.

    It is true that it is most common in diabetics (specifically moreso in Type 1 (IDDM)), but can also occur in an individual that remains in ketosis for too long (which probably isn't going to happen with Atkins, if you do follow the low carbs for just the first few weeks, but, some people, as we know, aren't that bright) I'm a nurse, trust me, I know the difference between the two. Is ketoacidosis likely to happen to a normal healthy person, no, it's not, but, it certainly can. Generally, your compensatory mechanisms kick in and correct any imbalance before that would happen. I understand the whole acid/base compromise and it's a very scary condition. Again, is it likely in a healthy person, no and I'm aware of that. Truthfully, I'm not all that well educated on Atkins, but, that's because, from what I know of it, and maybe I'm wrong, it seems to contain a lot of high fatty foods - not my thing. I guess I just don't feel it's a healthy diet, overall. (and, again, maybe I'm wrong here, but, didn't Dr. Atkins die of a heart attack?) That's all. That comes from nutrition classes and seeing people with many different health conditions r/t what they eat, etc. I'm not saying it's right or wrong for anyone in particular, to each his own, I'm just saying I don't necessarily think it's right for me.

    If you're going to be concerned about everything that COULD happen, then you'd never leave the house. You can get sick off of chicken and veggies -- are you never going to eat those?

    Dr. Atkins fell on ice and slammed his head against a sidewalk and died a week or two later at the age of 72. Don't think grains or buckets of fruit would have helped him much.

    ETA: Here's his death certificate found with very minimal Googling:
  • sd101483
    sd101483 Posts: 419 Member
    It's more the possibility of going into ketoacidosis that can happen from maintaining ketosis for too long. Not likely to happen, but, it does happen. This is from a medical perspective as I've seen it. I just generally don't think Atkins is healthy.

    Ketoacidosis is the dangerous condition that happens to Diabetics who also have kidney issues. You are confusing ketosis and ketoacidosis.

    Have you even looked at the recipes on the Atkins website to see what you are saying is simply not true?

    The 20 grams of carbs are only for 2 weeks, then you start upping your carbs and adding in vegetables and then fruit, then nuts, dairy, grains, beans, etc.

    By the way, I am not trying to push Atkins on you, I am just trying to educate on the misconceptions and stereotypes that are mentioned on these threads.

    It is true that it is most common in diabetics (specifically moreso in Type 1 (IDDM)), but can also occur in an individual that remains in ketosis for too long (which probably isn't going to happen with Atkins, if you do follow the low carbs for just the first few weeks, but, some people, as we know, aren't that bright) I'm a nurse, trust me, I know the difference between the two. Is ketoacidosis likely to happen to a normal healthy person, no, it's not, but, it certainly can. Generally, your compensatory mechanisms kick in and correct any imbalance before that would happen. I understand the whole acid/base compromise and it's a very scary condition. Again, is it likely in a healthy person, no and I'm aware of that. Truthfully, I'm not all that well educated on Atkins, but, that's because, from what I know of it, and maybe I'm wrong, it seems to contain a lot of high fatty foods - not my thing. I guess I just don't feel it's a healthy diet, overall. (and, again, maybe I'm wrong here, but, didn't Dr. Atkins die of a heart attack?) That's all. That comes from nutrition classes and seeing people with many different health conditions r/t what they eat, etc. I'm not saying it's right or wrong for anyone in particular, to each his own, I'm just saying I don't necessarily think it's right for me.

    If you're going to be concerned about everything that COULD happen, then you'd never leave the house. You can get sick off of chicken and veggies -- are you never going to eat those?

    Dr. Atkins fell on ice and slammed his head against a sidewalk and died a few days later. Don't think grains or buckets of fruit would have helped him much.

    You're RIGHT! You know, maybe I won't ever eat chicken and veggies again! Yeesh - not saying I'm really afraid, and, again, as I stated, I know it's not likely to happen. I've made my stance on it, that's my opinion, that's all.

    I do believe it's time to abandon this thread now. I've received enough good advice, that I've made an informed decision.

    Again, thank you to those that offered up your thoughts. Appreciated!
  • amycal
    amycal Posts: 646 Member
    pretty sure my diary is open - you can check it out from past week. I started following a diet plan that a doctor outlined on last Wednesday. It is supposed to have 4 phases of 2 weeks each. I am going to switch to phase 2 after 10 days though. In phase 2 I can add in 1/2 cup steel cut oats and certain fruits. The current phase allows meat, certain veggies 1/2 - 1 cup of certain beans a day, avocado, walnuts, pinenuts and olive oil. I am using a Metagenics meal replacement drink 1x a day too. It is definitely high protein, high fat, low carb and I doubt I can eat this way forever but I was on a 4-5 month plateau and I want to lose more fat in my middle. This week I have lost almost 7 pounds and 2 inches off my stomach (just below belly button - fattest spot on me!)

    I do workout too. Today I had a few people at the club tell me I am looking good so I am getting noticeable results fast. One lady said "I am melting away" of course it was hot in yoga so I really felt like I was melting LOL!
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    It's more the possibility of going into ketoacidosis that can happen from maintaining ketosis for too long. Not likely to happen, but, it does happen. This is from a medical perspective as I've seen it. I just generally don't think Atkins is healthy.

    Ketoacidosis is the dangerous condition that happens to Diabetics who also have kidney issues. You are confusing ketosis and ketoacidosis.

    Have you even looked at the recipes on the Atkins website to see what you are saying is simply not true?

    The 20 grams of carbs are only for 2 weeks, then you start upping your carbs and adding in vegetables and then fruit, then nuts, dairy, grains, beans, etc.

    By the way, I am not trying to push Atkins on you, I am just trying to educate on the misconceptions and stereotypes that are mentioned on these threads.

    It is true that it is most common in diabetics (specifically moreso in Type 1 (IDDM)), but can also occur in an individual that remains in ketosis for too long (which probably isn't going to happen with Atkins, if you do follow the low carbs for just the first few weeks, but, some people, as we know, aren't that bright) I'm a nurse, trust me, I know the difference between the two. Is ketoacidosis likely to happen to a normal healthy person, no, it's not, but, it certainly can. Generally, your compensatory mechanisms kick in and correct any imbalance before that would happen. I understand the whole acid/base compromise and it's a very scary condition. Again, is it likely in a healthy person, no and I'm aware of that. Truthfully, I'm not all that well educated on Atkins, but, that's because, from what I know of it, and maybe I'm wrong, it seems to contain a lot of high fatty foods - not my thing. I guess I just don't feel it's a healthy diet, overall. (and, again, maybe I'm wrong here, but, didn't Dr. Atkins die of a heart attack?) That's all. That comes from nutrition classes and seeing people with many different health conditions r/t what they eat, etc. I'm not saying it's right or wrong for anyone in particular, to each his own, I'm just saying I don't necessarily think it's right for me.

    If that were true, then I should be well on the way to being dead or dead already. I am an otherwise healthy person with Diabetes due to complications of PCOS and I have been in ketosis for 8 months and well on my way to getting back off the medications that I was off of when I followed Atkins from Phase 1 (Induction) to Phase 4 (Maintenance) from 2003 - 2008 (had a car accident which wrecked my way of eating and way of life for a while).

    Your way off base as a higher fat eating plan is found to be more healthful - as long as your not eating processed foods.

    A way of eating that contains Natural fats (yes, animal fat and coconut oil, olive oil), moderate amounts of proteins and lots of green leafy vegetables is one of the healthiest and most natural way one can live.

    And NO, Dr A did not die of a heart attack. He slipped on the ice and fell into a coma from head injuries.

    Does this look unhealthy to you? This is how you would be eating with a low carb lifestyle - whether Atkins, Paleo, Primal, South Beach or make up your own plan.............

  • sd101483
    sd101483 Posts: 419 Member