New here, need some friends, btw app is amazing!!

Hi I'm new here, and really need some friends to start this journey, apparently all my actual friends think they are absolutely awesome looking..... which they are not. I am definitely not, so here we go. I'm also starting insanity today for the second time.


  • jlm962
    jlm962 Posts: 64
    i added you! insanity seems like a great program! i am planning to get back on the wagon with turbo fire soon :)
  • Welcome. I will add you as well. This is a great place for support and staying accountable. Good luck on your journet. PS your comment about your friends was hysterical. Won't they be
  • pixelatedhitch
    pixelatedhitch Posts: 10 Member
    I'm almost certain they will feel a bit offended, which I will follow with laughter. But eating Five Guys Burgers 4.30am in Miami Beach will most certainty bite them in the .... sooner or later.