
Hi all,

im a little confused regarding protein. for example today i am -31. is this a good thing or a bad thing?

any help would be appreciated.

Thanks x


  • FaithHopeBELIEVE
    A good thing. What was your goal anyway? I have always heard don't be upset with more protein just stay within your goal and the more protein the better.
  • lyndom01
    Hi, n

    My goal is 52. If its a good thing to be over then excellent - you see it change to red and assume is a negative.

  • FaithHopeBELIEVE
    Hi, n

    My goal is 52. If its a good thing to be over then excellent - you see it change to red and assume is a negative.


    Oh I know, I hate the red too. Change your goals as I bet MFP has your goal at 20% for protein maybe. You can customize it to you. At my height of 5'2" I should be consuming 110 g. of protein a day.