
Hello Everyone! My name is Lisa and I am new to this site. I have the drive to want to lose weight, however my drive does not communicate to well with my energy. I get up so early (wish I could get up earlier but that is out of the question since I am up at 3:30 a.m.) I have a lot of driving (3 kids, 3 different schools, 3 different cities, I cannot move them to closer schools till next year), before I go to work. Then it's back to the 3 drives again to get the kids. Home, cooking, cleaning and homework. My children have a slight learning disability that makes the homework take more hours then usual. By the time things slow down it is already 9 at night. I try my best to do at least 30 min of walking on my treadmill. I don't eat bad at all. I actually eat very healthy. I am just told that the stress I do have from my ex husband is what is preventing me from losing weight. I just hope the energy comes soon so I can get this weight off (been dealing with this weight for 5 years now). Good Luck to you all.


  • kjraye5
    kjraye5 Posts: 40
    Wow! Your day is really packed! I do think stress has a lot to do with not being able to lose weight. Although I have not figured out a way to get rid of it yet, but I do know that working out does help me. I have 3 kiddos as well and believe me it is hard to find the time to do anything for yourself.

    Feel free to add me as a "friend" it does help to have support. =)

    Good luck!
  • good luck with that! that DOEs sound stressful so it's not wonder that contributes to weight gain(or at least no weight loss). Motivate yourself by thinking that you will have even more energy if you lose weight for all of your kids. Don't forget you're not superwomen (no one is) you can't and shouldn't beat yourself over the fact that you don't have time to exercise.. you're doing so good by not eating out and eating bad... I have half the stress in my life and I still find it hard to make food all the time. :) you're doing great