so close, but so far

So i've used MFP for over a year now, and I've lost over 40 pounds, but recently I've been getting off track. I really don't know how to stay committed. I'm so close to my goal, but it feels so far away. My family has been supporting me and using MFP too, and everyone has done so well. Does anyone have any ideas to keep me buckled down and finish losing the last 22 pounds?


  • look at past pictures and think how much better you look now.. and how much better you will look after ANOTHER 22 lbs :)
  • janeinspain
    janeinspain Posts: 173 Member
    maybe some clothes-shopping? when you see how good you look in something you really like, you might turn around.
    second, maybe you're just getting bored with your food. try new healthy recipes.
    and third, take a few days break, if you think it might help. relax and enjoy yourself and then get back on the horse.

    good luck!
  • ashnm88
    ashnm88 Posts: 748
    I just realize how I felt 37lbs ago and realize I don't want to go back. I have 43lbs to go and I want to see that person not this one.
  • bunnysone
    bunnysone Posts: 486 Member
    what have you been doing to lose the first 40 odd pounds? That's a lot of weight and a great achievement!

    Did you do it primarily by eating better or exercising too? Perhaps if you shed some light on how you did it others might be able to help with things that THEY have done that you havent tried yet, which will mix up what you are doing and make it interesting for you!

    As soon as you are doing something interesting that you enjoy the motivation comes naturally :)
  • 6heatherb6
    6heatherb6 Posts: 469 Member
    I'm SURE you can do it...but I'm not really sure how....I've reached my goal (as I have over the years many times) and I'm worried about keeping it like you it is continuing motivation I need!! :huh:
    Maybe take a break for a week....see how your attitudes and practises to eating and exercise have actually changed and then ...... :wink:
    breath in and breath out and start again with new resolve and goals.
    All the very best
  • Hsanders3961
    Hsanders3961 Posts: 245 Member
    I am just getting out of the same rut that you are in. After losing 32 lbs, I slacked off for a good 3 months. I have gained 6 lbs back and it feels horrible! My advice--remember why you are in this-envision yourself how you want to be--healthy, and all the things you will feel so accomplished for when you reach your goal! Also, dont forget how fast you lose muscle mass. I REALLY regret not working out for so long, as now I am practically starting all over again. There is a really good article in this month's Women's Health magazine about "yo-yo exercising" and yo yo weight loss and the bad effects they have on our bodies. It was just what I needed to hear right now. Just know that you CAN DO THIS and that it really is worth the effort. We are here for you!
  • Start playing a new sport! :D
  • I would say to mix up your food intake (different kinds of yogurt and just different kinds of healthy food) as well as mix up any workout routine you do. I used to always use a stationary bike, and once I started running a treadmill a few days a week, I felt much better about my body! Mix it up and keep what you're doing exciting for you!
  • daves160
    daves160 Posts: 600
    It kind of sounds like once you reach your goal, you will go right back to the bad habits that got you to where you are now.
    Think in different terms. You should by now be thinking of your "diet" as the normal.... eating goods fods in proper amounts.
    That journey never ends. It is a lifestyle change, or it is a temporary weight loss at best.
  • carriem73
    carriem73 Posts: 333 Member
    I like to go out and buy a dress or pair of pants as a "goal"- nothing crazy, one or two sizes smaller at a time (or instead of buying something, dig through your closet for something you USED to beable to wear".... it is a great feeling when you cna wear it, and it is a tangible goal!

    Good luck and don;t get discouraged!!
  • My sister went off track, she had a stubborn 24lbs to lose. She spent £140 on a Karen Millen dress size 10. It took her 2 months to get the 24lbs off, the dress hanging in her wardrobe and the expense of it made her lose the weight.