Will be starting soon-new to site- not to loosing weight.

I am very familar to eating right and loosing weight. I just have problems keeping it off. Life happens and no time to plan meals and exercise. I have lots of thing in my life now that I need to loose weight for. DISNEYLAND IN FEBRUARY, a possible WEDDING(not mine), and my BIG BIG trip to the UK and IRELAND IN JUNE OF 2012. I have saved most of my life to take this trip and I want to be able to walk and explore without hurting. I know I should just wait til I really start eating right to log onto this site but I wanted to get it all ready and start tracking before I plan all my meals. I am 44 in January and I need to be healthy.


  • meliscal13
    meliscal13 Posts: 2 Member
    HI! Im not so new to the site, but I am re-committing myself to this weight loss thing. Im reletively healthy, but dont always track what I eat. So Im back here to try again.
    Your goals sound fantastic! Good luck to you, I would love to hear how you do.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    good idea, you can log anything on the sight, better to know what you're eating that not