Calorie Restriction- Agree/Disagree?



  • kaylaCdewire1311
    In theory it makes sense, but how does one determine exactly what the body needs? RDA/DRI numbers are calculated for the “typical” person and the actual number varies from person to person. I think unless you see a doctor/specialist/nutritionist, it’s very dangerous to just assume you’re getting 100% of your requirements by using the general goals listed on various websites. It would be important to find out exactly what YOUR body needs if you plan on doing it for an extended period of time so you don’t get vitamin/mineral deficiencies.

    Seems like it’s flirting with an eating disorder (well, depending on how much you’re actually restricting) and I wouldn’t do it, but it’s your body and you determine what you want to do. It would be a great experiment, though, and interesting to see where it takes you. I know I feel tons better if I only eat natural “clean” foods and stay away from the empty calories, but I still try to reach a minimum of 1200 calories.

    I wouldn't exactly call this experiment "flirting with an eating disorder".. I'm not talking about going without dr. supervision for months or years at a time. I'm talking about cleaning up my diet the safe, doctor approved way.

    This is such a touchy subject, I thought it would be a good debate, and it's proved true!
  • kaylaCdewire1311
    i typically don't take advice from dr. oz.

    i agree w/ the previous post. eating healthier is what it's all about. you can have 100 calories of m&m's or 100 calories of a healthy fish. that's NOT the same thing, even though it's the same amount of calories.

    I'm not "taking advice" from him. I simply quoted him. I completely agree with that comment.
  • kaylaCdewire1311
    How much are you planning on restricting? How much are you planning on starving your body?

    Sure it might take awhile for your body to go into "starvation mode" sure it might take a while for your body to use up it's nutrients or whatever.

    But how long are you planning on doing this restricting and starving? Because, unless you're planning on eating small amounts for the rest of your life, you are going to get weight back when you go back to normal eating. When you really strict your calorie intake (a good amount under 1200) your metabolism will slow down. Then when you start eating 1200+ calories again at first your body will gain weight back before it starts to even out again.

    So, it's a good idea I guess to starve yourself if you're cool with gaining weight back after Christmas.

    Personally, I'd go for a lifestyle change. That way you are incorporating healthy eating habits and normal calorie intake levels so when you are no longer losing weight you will keep the weight off.

    Also, not eating enough is just as unhealthy for your body as eating too much. Anorexics don't live longer than obese people.

    hahaha you don't have to be smart.. that is completely uncalled for. Thank you for your thoughts, but you can take that sarcasm to another post. :)
  • DesertSunsetRain
    Hmm, sorry. I was actually just trying to give my advice. I am not a sarcastic person, I HATE sarcasm for this very reason.
  • kaylaCdewire1311
    Hmm, sorry. I was actually just trying to give my advice. I am not a sarcastic person, I HATE sarcasm for this very reason.

    Well, I took some of your sentencing for sarcasm. Apologies.
  • kristilovescake
    kristilovescake Posts: 669 Member
    In theory it makes sense, but how does one determine exactly what the body needs? RDA/DRI numbers are calculated for the “typical” person and the actual number varies from person to person. I think unless you see a doctor/specialist/nutritionist, it’s very dangerous to just assume you’re getting 100% of your requirements by using the general goals listed on various websites. It would be important to find out exactly what YOUR body needs if you plan on doing it for an extended period of time so you don’t get vitamin/mineral deficiencies.

    Seems like it’s flirting with an eating disorder (well, depending on how much you’re actually restricting) and I wouldn’t do it, but it’s your body and you determine what you want to do. It would be a great experiment, though, and interesting to see where it takes you. I know I feel tons better if I only eat natural “clean” foods and stay away from the empty calories, but I still try to reach a minimum of 1200 calories.

    I wouldn't exactly call this experiment "flirting with an eating disorder".. I'm not talking about going without dr. supervision for months or years at a time. I'm talking about cleaning up my diet the safe, doctor approved way.

    This is such a touchy subject, I thought it would be a good debate, and it's proved true!

    Ah, after reading the comments I realize 'Calorie Restriction' is just another way of saying 'clean eating' and not really what I was assuming it is. I've heard of EDs where people will ONLY eat super nutritious things and eat a dangerously low amount of calories - much like anorexia, but they feel they're eating some healthy food so it's okay. I assumed this was the same type of thing, but sounds like I was wrong.

    I would still be cautious with your calorie intake to make sure you're not eating too few calories, but cleaning up your diet is definitely a good thing. Processed foods are horrible for you and I know I feel better if I cut them out of my diet (but I still make sure I eat at least 1200 calories to make sure I'm getting enough calories for my body to burn through).
  • belinda_b
    belinda_b Posts: 70 Member
    Totally agree on calorie restriction.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    I don't know alot about calorie restriction.. but yesterday I was watching OWN and Dr. Oz said that if we cut our calorie intake by 15%, along with other things, it can increase your chances of living to be 100.

    This brings me to my next topic.

    The oldest living man in the world, says that one thing that kept him alive for as long as he's been here, was calorie restriction. As long as you are getting all of the vitamins and minerals needed daily, there is no need to over-indulge in useless calories.
    Agree? Disagree?

    I believe I agree. As Americans, most of us have learned "bigger is better" Bigger houses... bigger cars... bigger wallets... even boiling down to bigger plates. This is why our country is so obese.

    Whether you agree, or disagree.. I'm going to try it.

    Starvation Mode doesn't occur immediately.. it takes time for your body to "starve". After all, your body has to use up all of the nutrients it has before it can technically starve, and if you are feeding it everything it needs... it won't.... right??

    Comments? Opinions?
    Well it's kinda true. While there are other factors (genetics and having no disease) the smaller a person is, the less the body has to "work". The less the body has to work, the less it breaks down. It also lessens the work on the heart which is basically the life force of our body. So yes I believe it.
    I just don't see myself weighing 120lbs and being able to do much.