My "before" pics- just starting 30-Day Shred and C25K workou

SO, I've been here on MFP for about 12 days (but who's counting, lol). I absolutely love this website for it's ease, support, and fun! I'm 'conquering a huge fear today and that's putting my "before" pics up. I want to challenge myself and remind me of why i'm doing this. For me, this whole process is way more than losing weight. It's a true lifestyle change for good. Over the past 4 years i've gone into recovery from anorexia, getting to a healthy weight at which I felt great. Briefly. I met my amazing fiancee in 2008 and since then have gained 40 pounds! Just writing that really makes me cringe. I haven't had a totally normal relationship with food since i got sick with my eating disorder when I was 13. This whole process is me returning to a healthy weight (because being 40 pounds over weight isn't good either!), learning to eat in a way that supports an active, fun lifestyle, and making exercise something i enjoy doing for myself, not something i HAVE to do to shut those voices in my head up. It is going to be a struggle because i've realized that i really have to keep that eating disorder voice in check because it's very easy for it to return and thrive on what is supposed to be a healthy process. I am so proud that i can say now that i don't ever want to go back there and i will do anything to make sure i don't.

I started C25K yesterday because i used to be a runner and i'm psyched to get my endurance back to a point where i can enjoy it again and started Jillian Michael's 30-day Shred today. What an *kitten*-kicker that one is going to be! I plan on combining these with what i already do (power pilates, some major ab workouts, bike riding, brisk walks, etc).

Before Christmas, at least, I plan on being quite a bit more ripped. I'm actually looking forward to taking those pics! With alllll of that being said (and thanks for sticking with me!), here are my "before" pics.


Thanks for reading. Here we go!!!
