
panyg Posts: 597 Member
Hello everyone.

I've been using MFP for a few weeks and only just realised there is a forum! So I thought I would say hi.

My name is Pany and I live in London, England. I've struggled with my weight all my life. I was at my heaviest in 2001 when I went up to 248 pounds. So I started doing Atkins and went down to 175 within 12 months. But Low Carb is very hard to maintain and my weight went up to 220 by the end of 2003. After lots of ups and downs, I dedicated myself to Atkins and reached my goal of 161 in 2006.

That didn't last long and I went up to 238 within 9 months. Yes, I gained 77 pounds in 9 months!

I managed to find some willpower this year and lost 32 pounds by eating a balanced diet, working out 5 times a week and walking 5 miles a day. But once again, I lost my willlpower and have gained 18 pounds in the last 6 weeks. I'm still working out at the gym but eating like crazy is wasting all my hard work. I'm an emotional eater and comfort eat alot, and I've had a very stressful few years!

Food is an addction for me. I know exactly what to do to lose weight and get in shape. But I can't motivate myself at the moment. Sorry to ramble on, just wanted to say hi!


  • Hello ur in london im in chicago, il. But im here for you we need to support each other!! Lets do this!!
  • sounds like all of our stories, Pany. Hang in there. Doing something positive is NEVER a bad thing...it is far better to fight the monster within us than to give in and die. Let us just keep the good fight...more power to us!
  • panyg
    panyg Posts: 597 Member
    Thanks for the kind words VangieBender, I really appreciate it.

    Hey Chelly_21, I'm here for you too!