Workouts outside of the gym



  • Sookie_182
    Sookie_182 Posts: 72 Member
    I have a spare room at home so what I do is bring in my cd player turn up the music and get going!! makes it much easier when I have my favourite songs going! Y a could even make a specific work out playlist or cd with some good music ta work out to!
    Even cycling or walking I do bring my mp3 player with me and I find it really helps ta push me on! :smile:
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I am 50 yo and other than the occasional hotel workout room I've never stepped foot in a gym, but I've exercised and stayed fit most of my adult life. I like DVDs and I've done a lot of them (several Jane Fonda, Tae bo, Bodies in Motion, Step Aerobics, Pilates, etc). Currently I do Zumba and it's my favorite. SO fun! I've also owned and used machines (treadmill, stair master, universal gym, eliptical, exercise bike). I've also hiked (still do this often), biked (still do this rarely), ran, walked, and roller bladed. I've lifted weights, done calethenics, jumped rope, played softball, swam. And owned several exercise "gadgets" such as a thigh master, resistance bands and one of those crazy things you hook to a doornob.

    You do not need a lot of money or a gym to get and stay fit.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    read my workout blog below for examples of efficient workouts you can do at and around the house....with little or no equipment.
    FAVOLOSOMII Posts: 188 Member
    I workout on my Wii and then use a Thighmaster (I know I'm dating myself) and resistance bands. I also have some DVD's like everyone else...
  • robinogue
    robinogue Posts: 1,117 Member
    I gave up the gym over a year ago, I go to the park and run, jog or walk. I go to local stairs and go up and down. Have hand weights at home. There are many things you can do at home.