any other vegans on here??

Just wondering.. I just started this week and I need to drop some lbs and I'm looking for other vegans (mostly vegans dont have issues with wieght gain). Anywase, Let me know.


  • juliesummers
    juliesummers Posts: 738 Member
    Yep, I have been veg for about 6 years or so.
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Tons. . . you are welcome to peruse my friends list. . there are a lot under vegan. . lol Good luck hon.
  • lisasays
    lisasays Posts: 142 Member
    ive been vegetarian for 25 years and vegan a few times. I recently became vegan again and dont plan on ever going back. Doing it right this time and as whole as possible!
  • yogavegan
    yogavegan Posts: 116 Member
    vegan here... though i have lost weight since being vegan, there are plenty of overweight vegans, especially now that there is an overabundance of vegan junk food out there! feel free to add me
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    Vegan here, and I've been at all different weights and health levels as a vegan. :-)

    Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • I'm a new vegan. I just did a 60 day juice fast and lost 38 pounds. I don't want to fill my body back up with junk after cleaning it here I am. I have battled weight all my adult life and feel like this is what I have been searching for. I'm always up for trading recipes and tips on vegan cooking - especially low fat and low sodium.
  • vegan here! and always looking for great recipes, tips, friends, etc!
  • Me! Me! Just joined the site today, been vegan for a little over a year, vegetarian for 2.5 years, no red meat, pork in almost 10 years, so this was a gradual process for me. I was about 50lbs overweight 2.5 years ago, and I found that initially after going vegetarian, I lost about 15 lbs in the first few months, then plateaued. Then, after going vegan, lost another 10lbs, then plateaued. I lost my job 4 months ago, and gained all 25lbs back. I'm now working again, committed to eating more whole foods, less vegan "junk" food, and losing all 50lbs I need to by next summer. My biggest problem is committing to a workout routine. I've learned over the past few years that you can eat as healthy as healthy can be, and not see results. I'm joining this site to track my foods better, and be inspired to workout more. Overweight Vegans Unite!!!!!