Do you have your bad days?

Hi, I am sort of new to MFP, i was on it about a year ago, and stopped but i am back and ready to go again :)

Just had a question for those of you that allow yourself to have bad days:

Do you think it helps?
And what sort of food to you eat? and do you have bad stuff all day or just for one meal etc?

I am just weighing up whether its worth it or not. At the moment I am trying new healthy foods and keeping myself interested so i dont feel the need for bad food, but i am sure i will be tempted soon.




  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    Everyone has bad days.... I don't usually plan them, they just happen.

    No big deal -- a bad dya isn't going to ruin all your progress -- just make healthier choices the next day.

    I don't really deprive myself of anything -- I don't want to feel like I'm on a diet for the rest of my life.
    You can even have bad food days and still be near your calorie goal :)
  • cynusps
    cynusps Posts: 72 Member
    Of course you have the bad days. Mine are usually because we are visiting someone or traveling. I just get started again the next day. I don't let it get me down and am just thankful for what I have already lost.

    Come on and joins us. Together we can make the weight come off. :smile:
  • FitToBeFab
    FitToBeFab Posts: 537 Member
    I usually allow the day of or the day after my weigh in to be my "bad day." I usually end up sticking to just having a bad meal - either going out, or something I've been craving, or lots of desserts! I find that when I allow myself that day, it keeps me on track better because I'm no longer craving things all the time. If I get a craving for something, I tell myself I'll have it by Friday (my weigh in day) so there's no need to get it now.

    I have had a huge - HUGE - problem with immediate gratification when it comes to food cravings, and find this the best way to not overeat throughout the week.
  • kassied09
    kassied09 Posts: 397
    Yup. My bad days usually end up being sundays, for some reason. Don't really plan them..Just can't stop eating. Last night was terrible. After 10pm I ate...ALOT. Worked out extra hard today to make up for some of it.

    Last time i did this I weighed myself - gained 8 lbs. 5 days later I lost it all plus another lb.
    So, overall- don't think it hurt as much as I thought it would. Sodium, however- well, we all know how that messes with the scale.
  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
    If you're talking cheat days, I haven't allowed myself one, I probably won't until I hit 50 or 70lbs lost. Granted I try not to deprive myself either. If I want some candy or chocolate I will make room for it! :-) The only thing I'm not allowing myself is cake because it is my enemy right now. We are not friends, me and cake.... It really sucks but that's what I have to do to keep on track!
  • It seems to help me to have bad days at times.. I went out to IHOP one night.. had pancakes eggs turkey bacon hashbrowns.. I was sooo full.. and I thought for sure I was in trouble.. and somehow I still seemed to lose weight. Randomly throwing extra calories at my body occasionally seems to be a good thing for me. But only occasionally.
  • Thanks guys, that's put it into perspective for me!

    I am sure there will be bad days to come, but like you have said i don't want to feel like i am on a diet. And i can always start again the next day. I think my problem last time was i went to extremes, and didnt allow myself any bad food, and then eventually i just hated it and went crazy and ate everything in front of me, but this way if when i need it, I allow myself a small portion i shouldn't go crazy again! You still have to be happy on the road to happiness! :)
  • lucylue21
    lucylue21 Posts: 214
    i dont lpan them. i did once. i ate what i wanted to and didnt count calories but i didnt just eat icecream all day. i just ate what i wanted in a ressonable amount and my weight didnt go up or down. that doesnt hurt every now and then
  • BigCat175
    BigCat175 Posts: 38 Member
    The last bad day I had was when I was traveling all day and out of my normal routine (I will plan ahead next time). I used the 'bad day' to get motivated. I went out and burned just under 1400 calories in a good workout the next day. I try to keep a positive focus and enjoy the journey to better health. Feel free to add me. Cheers!
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    Thanks guys, that's put it into perspective for me!

    I am sure there will be bad days to come, but like you have said i don't want to feel like i am on a diet. And i can always start again the next day. I think my problem last time was i went to extremes, and didnt allow myself any bad food, and then eventually i just hated it and went crazy and ate everything in front of me, but this way if when i need it, I allow myself a small portion i shouldn't go crazy again! You still have to be happy on the road to happiness! :)

    That's the right attitude -- moderation, not extremes!

    Some days I'll eat a perfect breakfast and then something stupid like a giant snickers for lunch and then a good dinner.
    After awhile, you'll actually prefer the good stuff. When I eat to many carbs/sugar or high sodium now -- I feel like crap for hours! Carbs make me just want to nap all day...and too much sodium makes me feel like the a blimp someone needs to pop.
    If the bad stuff makes you feel like crap -- it's a lot easier to say now after awhile :) Good luck on your new lifestyle!
  • I think the important thing is to stay focused on the big picture of changing your lifestyle, being active and eating healthy. I have had bad days, and it has helped mentally to off set the extra calories with extra exercise. Don't let yourself fell defeated to have a minor slip. Look forward to new and improved ways to avoid making that isolated mistake into a bad habit!!!