where am I going wrong?

shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
edited October 4 in Health and Weight Loss

I'm 42 and currently stuck at 160 lbs, I have lost 15 lbs since june but weight loss has been slow.

I have medical complications - underactive thyroid from birth (never worked) on 300mcg daily also on anti-histamine to reduce severe allergic reactions to stuff (even things I have eaten before) I've survived full anaphylactic shock twice from peanuts and Ibuprofen both of which I had eaten before but my immune system gets affected when thyroid levels drop.

I also have a rare neuromuscular disorder which is Ataxia (balance of trunk and co-ordination of limbs and Dystonia (mixed muscle tone - sudden stiffening of arms and legs then floppy or anywhere inbetween) and involuntary flexing of hands making it difficult to hold onto stuff for any length of time without dropping or letting go ie weights, walking aids.

Despite these difficulties I've managed to find some games on wii I can do and by combining games build up a little routine.. today I managed 120 mins.. I use quarter pound wrist weights on arms (to steady them as well as for fitness effects), half pound weights on ankles and wear a sensory balance belt around waist (6lbs) to help me keep balance enough to do the exercises. I push my body as hard as I can and dropped wheat and gone low carb so mainly eating salad, veg with portion of fish or meat a day. I have Rice Krispies or oats for breakfast, but limit gluten free bread to once a week)

I'm trying apples and water today as I'm desperate to get into the 150's for my next weigh-in, but seem to be stuck. Today I got in knickers size 14-16 first time for years, my 18 trakkie pants are getting baggy, just got some 16's so must be losing but the scales are hardly budging!

I have an injury from last week and back of my leg is still swollen I wondered if could be water retention from muscles to heal, but seems to be holding onto it a long time?

I changed to 1 lb loss a week but its only gone up from 1200 to 1290 on here. I don' t log food on here cos I've had problems with custom foods it won't accept the weights I put in under portions if I can't find exact weight already on somewhere, so use a different one.

But as mentioned above its a lot of veg and portion of fish or meat, with salad at lunch and rice krispies or oats for breakfast, occasionally I throw in rice or a potato but most of week substitute them with cauli rice for example or butternut squash slices, mashed swede in place of potatoes.

I don't understand why the weight's not dropping off especially as I get involuntary movements throughout the day, even if not exercising so I never stay completely still for longer than a few minutes unless I'm fast asleep?... so I must burn about 1,000 a day at least with exercise too (today burned 643cals between 5-7am)

Any ideas?


  • If you're fitting into smaller clothes but staying the same weight you're maybe replacing the fat you are burning off with muscle?
  • Firstly, well done on your commitment to wanting to be healthier. I would suggest that you add your food into the MFP data base to get a more accurate calorie count on what you're eating, all foods should have a table listing their caloric value.

    I too have hashimoto's hypothyriodism, which is an auto immune disease which affects the thyroid but also causes other problems. My weight loss can also be very slow at times. Just don't give up as long as you're getting healthier don't put so much focus on a number on the scale.

    Wish you all the best.
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I didn't think I was managing the right type of exercise to build muscle as I can't lift weights or do fast based aerobics/zumba etc?

    In June this year I was 12st 7 and size 20, I just thought the scales would go down faster.. I know everyone says not to focus on number on scale but I need to be lighter for when people need to lift me. I get really embarrassed if I have to be lifted and people say.. ' you don't look that heavy'.. i tell them I'm heavier than I look and they can't believe it when tell them I was 12st 7 or 12st etc.. I'd just love to be able to say 'oh I'm only 9st you'll lift me easy!!! ' or something for a change!!! :laugh:
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