Restricted Mobility.. how are you losing your weight?

Anyone else on here with restricted mobility that has managed to lose large amounts a week? 5lb or more?... how are you losing it?... less calories? . more? what types of exercises?

I'm restricted in how much I can change my exercise routine and stuck again at 160lbs..desperate to make it into the 150's.. I've been on 1200 and cut nearly all carbs.. most days didn't make it over 1,000 cals.... should I increase cals or try different diet?


  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    Honestly - you would not find many people on here - even the ones that does not have mobility issues that lose 5lbs a week - that is frankly a very unrealistic goal......

    A good goal for weightloss - especially if you do not have all that much to lose is 1 to 1.5lbs a week - people with more to lose could do up to 2.5lbs a week....

    Unfortunatly I cant add much on exercise that you could do :-(
  • Keebler125
    i am a disabled vet, and i am mobility impared.(two surgeries on my knees to remove shrapnel, more to come), surgery scheduled for lower back again.
    to be honest the BEST things to do are find exercises that one you can do (that do not interfere with your restrictions) and do them.
    then change them up. yeah it takes a bit of creativity, but there are ALWAYS things that you can do, the question is will you?

    also, my nutritionist tells me that simply watching calories will add to the amount of weight lost, sad part is - while that is true, it is very slow, simply increasing activity.

    1200 calories is the BARE minimum anyone should take in. BE warned though. only taking in 1200 (plus or minus) will result in your body going into starvation mode. and you will not loose weight very quick at all. (you will loose muscle)

    i suggest (no quantitative medical training here) raising calorie limit to 1400 -1600 and even though you may be wheel chair bound, there is nothing saying that you can not do isometrics, do exercises that involve your whole upper body, if you have a WII, there are numerous exercises (and programs) designed for upper body. weight lifting (which you probably can do) will help burn calories, also going to the mall and "walking" around will burn extra calories as well.

    bottom line is be creative, dont let your mind be impaired just because your body might be! make your mind work! and your body will follow!
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    Walking around is out.. I'm full time wheelchair user. I will be going shopping in November for afternoon out (nearest flat shopping centre is some distance from me), a friend takes me as I can't afford the taxi fares there. I can push msyelf out there.. usually around 4hrs not sure how many caloreis that will burn.

    I have been told I can't lift weights it would be too dangerous due to the arms stiffening suddenly from the dystonia and me not been able to stop myself dropping things... I'm not sure what 'Isometric' means?

    I do boxing style games from sitting in chair, tennis, bowling kind of things. Exerbeat is a new game I found recently that only really counts what your arms are doing so as long as you copy the arrows with arms can get good results on boxing, karate and dancing and has a good pilates section of floor exercises for core muscles.

    I can stand for short time on balance board and do the basic leaning left/right on balance games, holding onto a walking frame around the front, if need to hold controller too I have to sit on the board to play it. It's taken me a few years to get this far.. recently this year I managed to do the 'plank' exercise and can lift head of floor for crunches where I couldn't before.

    I got EA sports too but have difficulty saying still enough for it to register my moves on the ones I can do, even with weights on arms.. I get 'Hold still' message very frequently... having to repeat some up to 10 times in a row.

    I'm sure having under active thyroid slows metabolism too, I don't even sweat when exercising unless I take Capsiplex to get an energy boost then can keep going for about 2 hours instead of only managing 30mins... I just find it frustrating when other people say they lost a stone in 4 weeks on this or that diet or with certain supplements or diet pills and they never seem to work the same for me.

    I'll try re-introducing more carbs and bump calories a bit my BMR is only about 1300 and something, so 1400-1600 would make me put weight on eating more than I needed?
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member

    I have MS and have been a volunteer for the National MS Society (in the US).

    There are quite a few "chair" or "sitdown" workout DVDs out there. Perhaps an internet search will help you find some that appeal to you.

    One that comes to mind is a "Chair Yoga" DVD and also Richard Simmons has a "sitdown" workout.

    I am "full function" at this time but in 2003 I had a "flare up" of my MS and was barely able to walk. One of the first things I tried was "Gentle Yoga" and I must say I got hooked almost immediately.

    In addition to the physical benefits I got from it, Yoga also helped me to accept my body, as it was and to respect it and be grateful for what I COULD do.
    Eventually my spirit lifted and I changed my attitude.

    Meanwhile, as I re-read your OP, it looks like you do a LOT from that chair of yours!!

    If I were you, I wouldn't change a thing with your food, but I would keep going on the exercise and keep finding new things to move YOUR body!
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    Thanks.. I had a carb meal after having just apples and carrot sticks all day with jalapeno hummus!... did egg fried rice with chicken dippers and bit of a curry sauce.. not very healthy I know but haven't had rice for about 4 weeks usually I substitute it with cauliflower, whizzed in a processor to about size of rice and steamed in microwave.

    I throw a few surprises in once a week so body doesn't get used to all very low carb & low fat. Back of leg is still swollen from last weeks injury so hopefully once swelling goes down body will let go of few more pounds of water maybe?

    I'll check out the chair yoga DVD's and see if can get them from UK Amazon.
  • lururu
    lururu Posts: 123 Member
    I'm not sure it will suit you but I have been doing juggling for 10 to 20 minutes every other day.

    I can walk but I get a lot of pain, stiffness and general bone crunching, it hurts to push myself so I've just searched for things I can do that hopefully don't leave me too swollen and sore as I have two little ones to take care of :) I walk my little girl to nursery as fast as I can, its probably an able bodied person's slow pace but to me it feels like a marathon :P I try and do aerobics for older folk with joint problems when I'm not feeling rubbish (its a lot harder now autumn is here as the weather affects my arthritis) and just generally do a little more than I would have a few months ago.

    I have never lost 5lb in 4 weeks tho and I think the only folk that do are ones who are on a crash diet, you can bet your bottom dollar that they put it all right back on again too and more.

    Don't give up! I really really admire your courage and determination! Remember that it took a while to put that weight on so its only right that it will take a while to get it off again.

    I wonder if the change of the season has any effect on our metabolisms or body's retention of fat? My weight loss has stopped recently too, I even put weight on last week without all the fun of the yummy food :P
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I was watching show 'Fat Families' today and the guy was expecting them to lose 3lb a week which I was surprised.

    I don't have enough fine motor control to juggle.

    I keep trying back on the EA sports I can do the bicep curl with resistance band but its so sensitive and I have difficulty keeping arm still long enough, your arm has to be still before you make the curl and hold still after so it can sense 1 definite movement, but with jerky and involuntary movements its harder to keep still than move! ... I'm doing well with the boxing games though.. cos can just randomly fling your arms in the direction of the bag to hit it.. lol!

    I might see if I can get another boxing game for xmas from family or friends as it gives me a good workout without me having to be very accurate. On the programme the contestants were doing boxing and presenter said can burn about 500 cals with boxing but can't remember whether he said half an hour or an hour!
  • lururu
    lururu Posts: 123 Member
    Those kind of games are always over sensetive :P I had the kinect thing for a while but I hated how it picked up the horrid bend in my left leg from where my bones are deformed and it could never quite understand that my leg was supposed to be that shape... made me feel a bit crap.

    Would you be able to speak to a physiotherapist maybe? They could possibly help you with some exercise suggestions?

    I'm betting that the folk on Fat famillies had rather a lot of weight to lose and lots of mobility that they weren't using! I can't understand why people who have no mobility problems wouldn't want to use their bodies :P But then I guess you only notice what you don't have.
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I do blogs for 'Accessible Gamebase' too and someone on there was saying that they had one and had a family member in wheelchair and it didn't even recognise them as a player because they were sat and unable to stand so couldn't join in.

    The Wii is more accessible in general, someone in Canada has invented a platform that fits on balance board so you can push chair onto it (Manual chair) and do the balance games from sitting in your chair and leaning left and right.. it's not come over here yet and would be really expensive to import cos of its size and weight. Another member had manged to mount a wii wheel onto something.. i forget what, but so it could be placed on floor and their son could use his feet to steer and play MarioKart!

    There's several clips on YouTube off Wii Fit been used in hospitals and rehab centres in US they are calling it 'Wiihab'.. lol! (I first got mine with the orignal Wii Fit after seeing one of those clips)

    I know the PS3 can be converted to work with switches, via one of those arcade style controllers with joysticks and lost of buttons (often used for fighting games) I know a boy who can play Sonic Racers this way via head switches. But the Kinect is not really disability friendly and the voice actived games wouldn't work for me either as my speech is affected by my condition also, so no plans to buy an X box/Kinect... I'm sticking with my Wii!

    I have seen a Neuro physio she showed me a few core muscle exercises which at the time I was already doing as they were on the Wi Fit game and I already had that, she said Wii Fit was good for Ataxia cos of the selection of balance games on it. Several members of my Ataxia group also bought it after I reviewed it on the site!

    Here's link to my own blog and last April's post on my Wii and Balance Belt:
  • loubylisa
    Hi there i have only just joined mfp, & i am loosing weight very slowly & i would love some new friends to help me along this slow journey to loose weight to become a fitter & happier me, any advise & inspiration would be very much appreciated :smile:
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    Hi there i have only just joined mfp, & i am loosing weight very slowly & i would love some new friends to help me along this slow journey to loose weight to become a fitter & happier me, any advise & inspiration would be very much appreciated :smile:


    do you have difficulty with restricted mobility too? I was thinking of starting a group for adapting exercises but didn't get much of a response so didn't think anyone would join! :embarassed: :sad:
  • chevvy53
    Hiya i have mobility problems from an accident ages ago and surgeries that havnt worked on my leg which over the years have made my back, knees toes etc so painful so much so I am in the process of weighing up amputation of my foot. I try and do what little I can. I am in support of the others advice that to try and lose more than a pound a week etc really won;t bode well I have put weight on since my last op and have put a pound a week goal on my MFP. As I am nearly 50 in May I am making this weight loss more of a change of habits rather than crash diet because I have tried them all. I have purchased a wii fit plus so it is much about fun than strict exercise as can;t do gyms. But quite interested from one of the other blogs regarding armchair exercises will definately check them out. Keep up the good work slowly but surely is the way remember the hare and the tortoise! :smile:
  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
    I have a lot more mobility than you, but I'm attempting to take it much, much, much easier so that I don't further destroy my ankle. Six months in a cast, sitting on the couch, was torture... and so was the 30 pounds I put on during that!

    My personal trainer has recommend a handbike so that I can get more cardio in.
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    Thanks to everyone who answered. I'd lost 2 and half stone and got to 10st but am few pounds up at minute (TOTM) hoping to be back down by end of week then can carry on from where I left off.

    I've had a bit of break last few months as been struggling with the freezing weather and my Wii has been playing up! Anyway my new one arrived today and its started been a bit milder weather wise.. so I'm trying to get back into it and get these last 7lbs off!

    I'm still having problems with the passive trainer bike (motorised pedals) as I've been using it more cos Wii wasn't working the last 5 days in a row I been doing an hour a day on it and the back of my leg on left swells up and I've no idea why! It never does it on the right side or when I've done Wii several days in a row.. so I'm baffled!
  • AmandaJames25
    i only have movement in my upper body what should i do to lose weight?
  • loubylisa
    i have restricted motability too as i have ms i would love to join your group