cardio or lifting weights

Just wondering what would be the most effective for losing the last bit of belly flab. I can start to see the start of my abs coming through at the top of my tummy but my lower tummy is still flabby so I know I have still fat to shift. JUst wondering if I should concentrate more on cardio or weights to do this.


  • Marciamakepeace
    Do cardio but make sure you keep your heart rate in the correct Zone so you are burning fat and not muscle. if you then do leg raises that will help with your lower tummy. If you go to a gym speak to an instructor there and they show you what to do however if you have a bad back these are not ideal. The other good excerise to do is Zumba as that is a great all over body work out.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Just wondering what would be the most effective for losing the last bit of belly flab. I can start to see the start of my abs coming through at the top of my tummy but my lower tummy is still flabby so I know I have still fat to shift. JUst wondering if I should concentrate more on cardio or weights to do this.

  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
  • Dootzy1
    Dootzy1 Posts: 2,211 Member
    The exercise physiologists quoted by Dr. Oz say that the regular cardio work gets rid of deep abdominal fat, which is more of a health risk connected to diabetes and heart disease. Of course, you will increase lean mass and improve overall metabolism a bit, if you mix in some strength training.... so, yes, both!!
  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    Lift heavy (none of that wussy stuff) and do HIIT (again - no wussy stuff). Then eat as clean as you can. It's not just the number of calories that are important - it's what you're getting in those calories too! But don't skip the lifting. You need all the muscle you can get to keep your metabolism up and burn more calories. There are so many benefits to lifting!