newbie plateau question

Hi Everyone!
I know there are pages and pages and pages of "newbies start here" threads, but honestly it's TOO much to read (for me, right now).
And I know some of these topics are controversial around here...

But I guess I'm just looking for some quick tips/advice/reassurance.

I've been doing this for about a month now.
Lost 6.2 lb in the first 2 weeks. And 0.2 lb in the next two weeks.

I understand that you lose a lot in the beginning and not to expect it to stay like that.

but 0.2 for two weeks, when I'm "doing everything right" is depressing...

I understand it's a marathon not a sprint, but I want to be sure I'm on the right track.

MFP says my goal is 1200/day. And honestly, I like when my phone announced that I finished my day under goal.
BUT, when I finish my day under goal, it warns me that I'm in starvation mode.

Now some of it is that I don't trust that I'm really burning 450 calories during my 45 min workout, so I don't want to eat all those back. (by my heart rate monitor is on its way!) And I'm not positive I always calculate my portion size 100% accurately, so I try to be conservative.

And also if it's the end of the day, and I'm not hungry, but I'm at 1000, I don't feel it makes sense to go eat 200 calories "just because".

But after these few weeks of plateau, it made me wonder- maybe I should?

Again, i don't mean to start a starvation mode debate.

Maybe I just need to be more patient.

but like i said, just want to make sure I'm on the right track.



  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    you should aim to meet your goal not be below it. Also how much weight do you have left to loose? If its alot then 2pounds a week setting is ok but if its 20ish you should be set at 1pound perweek or .5 per week which will give you More cals to eat per day sounds weird but you have to eat to loose and it works. Watch your sodium if your not already doing so and make sure to do some weight/strength training.

    Edited to add --

    I`m 5foot 5inches , sedentary do to computer desk job, and set at 1pound per week loss (current weight 177) and I eat 1440 plus exercise cals