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Am i normal, or lucky?



  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I haven't cut anything at all out of my diet.
    I don't eat breakfast.
    i have 3/4 of my daily calories after 7pm.
    I "eat" aspartame
    I drink soda.
    I don't look at carbs or fat.
    I don't eat clean.
    I eat wheat.

    I just exercise 6 times a week, and watch my calories.

    And losing this weight has been a breeze. Am i just lucky that sooooo many things often spouted on these boards don't affect me...or am i just normal, and people are making this losing weight stuff too complicated?

    absolutely you are losing a great amount of wt....come talk to me in 2 -3 years and lets talk HEALTH....I can lose wt on a complete fast for 40 days....is that good for me????? probably not....if your goal is health....you are probably not doing the best for you body...but you will have to find these things out for yourself...

    So uhh, care to share your scientific reasoning for this rather odd, baseless, and nonsensical assumption?
  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member
    I personally, would always advocate eating breakfast because I've seen a lot of research regarding the positives and none regarding any negatives (although some trying to dispute the positives). But, I don't think it's one of the biggest issues in diet. The rest all sounds normal to me. I actually think that often when people really start to overthink their diets that they do themselves more harm than good.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    I haven't cut anything at all out of my diet.
    I don't eat breakfast.
    i have 3/4 of my daily calories after 7pm.
    I "eat" aspartame
    I drink soda.
    I don't look at carbs or fat.
    I don't eat clean.
    I eat wheat.

    I just exercise 6 times a week, and watch my calories.

    And losing this weight has been a breeze. Am i just lucky that sooooo many things often spouted on these boards don't affect me...or am i just normal, and people are making this losing weight stuff too complicated?

    absolutely you are losing a great amount of wt....come talk to me in 2 -3 years and lets talk HEALTH....I can lose wt on a complete fast for 40 days....is that good for me????? probably not....if your goal is health....you are probably not doing the best for you body...but you will have to find these things out for yourself...

    I take my multivitamins+minerals and my fish oil. I exercise a lot. As i said, there are varying degrees of "healthy". Im hardly starving myself, trust me :P. I'm just proof that you don't need to eat a totally bland, boring, hard to stick with totally clean diet just to lose fat and feel great!

    As for 2-3 years, yes, let's talk then. I'll have given up smoking, be at my goal, have bulked up a bit in the gym, and be much healthier.
  • Louise12
    Louise12 Posts: 389 Member
    Everything in moderation i say!
  • SmashleeWpg
    SmashleeWpg Posts: 566 Member
    Guess it all depends what you classify as "lucky" -- don't they say luck runs out eventually? Additionally, I think the more important questions here are: are you healthy? Do you "feel" good? Or are you tired? Do you have a spring in your step and endless energy, or do you suffer from stomach problems, irritability, bloatedness, sluggish feelings, and lack of energy? Is your skin clear, or dull? Is your hair shiny, or lackluster? Just some of the few benefits to eating healthfully / drawbacks to just eating "whatever" and calling it a day. But at the end of the day, it IS about a lifestyle change, and if this is something that you can stay with, still live and enjoy things, then, that's what works for you!
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    I haven't cut anything at all out of my diet.
    I don't eat breakfast.
    i have 3/4 of my daily calories after 7pm.
    I "eat" aspartame
    I drink soda.
    I don't look at carbs or fat.
    I don't eat clean.
    I eat wheat.

    I just exercise 6 times a week, and watch my calories.

    And losing this weight has been a breeze. Am i just lucky that sooooo many things often spouted on these boards don't affect me...or am i just normal, and people are making this losing weight stuff too complicated?
    Monster... you are most definitely NOT normal.

    You are extraordinary. A breath of fresh air and a paragon of common sense in a sea of incredulity :happy:

    I've been recently reading some amazing stuff by Lyle McDonald... I know he's a bit of a low-carb man really... but the essence of what he sees as the "secret to weight loss" is simple: eat less, move more. And why do most folk fail....because they over-complicate things by restricting this that and the other.

    I would not be worried about your health. I was a 250lb blob in a pocket-person's bod. According to my GP I should have had high BP, diabetes, high cholesterol and a 1001 other ailments... but no. I was just FAT. I still am FAT but I'm on my way to a better, lighter me. I may never be ripped or buff... but I will be trimmer and no longer obese.

    Like you, I've not really cut anything that matters out of my diet - ok I don't pig out on chocolate and biccies anymore, but that's not to say I'll never have another Jaffa cake (life's way to short for that :laugh:). I love white rice and paté and butter and so many things that are supposedly gonna kill me, but they haven't thus far and so I'll continue to eat what I want when I want... just in smaller quantities.

    I too have lost weight more easily that ever before and I only exercise moderately (bit of cycling, walking, swimming, but nothing that would make Michaels or Horton break sweat over :laugh: )

    So yeah, in many respects maybe you are normal... you're doing it your YOUR WAY and boy is it working!

    Good luck and thanks for keeping us sane! :flowerforyou:
  • alyssamiller77
    alyssamiller77 Posts: 891 Member
    Guess it all depends what you classify as "lucky" -- don't they say luck runs out eventually? Additionally, I think the more important questions here are: are you healthy? Do you "feel" good? Or are you tired? Do you have a spring in your step and endless energy, or do you suffer from stomach problems, irritability, bloatedness, sluggish feelings, and lack of energy? Is your skin clear, or dull? Is your hair shiny, or lackluster? Just some of the few benefits to eating healthfully / drawbacks to just eating "whatever" and calling it a day. But at the end of the day, it IS about a lifestyle change, and if this is something that you can stay with, still live and enjoy things, then, that's what works for you!

    Well I'm not Monster, but I have a similar approach and here's what I can tell you. Even before my lifestyle change, my blood work at each physical comes back well within parameters. Three years ago I had a physical and the only negative my doctor could find was my weight. Now I've taken care of that and at my most recent physical my blood work was again stellar, my blood pressure is on the low end of ideal and my doctor's description of it was that I'm healthier than 99% of the people he sees in his office. To answer your questions above I have plenty of energy, I don't have stomach problems or any issues like that. I've got as clear of skin as I've ever had in my life. Can't tell you about my hair since I keep it shaved to under a 1/4". The fact is I'm in the best shape of my life and I'm still able to enjoy all the "bad" foods I love, I just do it in a sensible fashion.

    I have to agree with the point that was brought up about people obsessing and becoming almost pedantic in their approach to healthy eating. If that is what works for you and you enjoy living that way, more power to you. I'm glad for you. However, personally I wouldn't be happy that way and that's just stress that I don't need to include in my life. So in the absence of any scientific or clinical evidence to show that my choices are causing health issues, how can you possibly sit and argue that my approach is not healthy?
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Guess it all depends what you classify as "lucky" -- don't they say luck runs out eventually? Additionally, I think the more important questions here are: are you healthy? Do you "feel" good? Or are you tired? Do you have a spring in your step and endless energy, or do you suffer from stomach problems, irritability, bloatedness, sluggish feelings, and lack of energy? Is your skin clear, or dull? Is your hair shiny, or lackluster? Just some of the few benefits to eating healthfully / drawbacks to just eating "whatever" and calling it a day. But at the end of the day, it IS about a lifestyle change, and if this is something that you can stay with, still live and enjoy things, then, that's what works for you!

    I am healthier than i have ever been in my adult life. I feel better than i ever remember feeling. Doing things i never did before. My skin in clear, my hair shiny, and my nose is cold and wet. The only pain i have is from my tennis elbow from overdoing the badminton, but that's my choice to "keep" it, as i dont really want to stop playing for 6 months. My dodgy knee is far, far better, could be because of the cod liver oil tablets i take. My BP is and always has been fine. My old problem was trying to be "healthy", sticking with it for a few weeks, then getting fed up and going back to normal. This time, I've simply kept "normal", just downsized things.

    Ty for the kinds words guys too <3
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I haven't cut anything at all out of my diet.
    I don't eat breakfast.
    i have 3/4 of my daily calories after 7pm.
    I "eat" aspartame
    I drink soda.
    I don't look at carbs or fat.
    I don't eat clean.
    I eat wheat.

    I just exercise 6 times a week, and watch my calories.

    And losing this weight has been a breeze. Am i just lucky that sooooo many things often spouted on these boards don't affect me...or am i just normal, and people are making this losing weight stuff too complicated?

    I think you're normal. I reduced tater tots and eat relatively clean because I did before, but I do think it helps me keep my calories under control by allowing me to eat larger portions at lower calorie counts. I eat 2 breakfasts because my body says "EAT WOMAN OR VOMIT" not because I think it's a necessity for everyone. I eat at least 1/2 my calories after 7 PM, because I find it more pleasant to eat after my 2 yo goes to bed than wolfing something down with him and not knowing how much time I have to eat. I consume sweet n low and aspertame, I will get into a fist fight over the last little pink packet on the table, so back off. I don't like soda, but I drink wine ever single night (that I'm not drinking beer). I no longer look at carbs or fat (even though they're still in my tracking) because I normally go under so it's needless . . . I actually pushed up my carb %age to accomodate my fruit and ice cream. I'm allergic to wheat, but I eat all the wheat versions with substitute flour, removing wheat from your diet only helps if you actually have an allergy.

    I eat and I exercise. But I eat so I can exercise and not the other way around.

    People are definitely making this weight loss stuff way to complicated.
  • iwannaloose
    iwannaloose Posts: 19 Member
    I would say, keep doing what you're doing, and do what you feel is right! Everyone is different!
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    Great job with your weight loss! I applaud you for being disciplined in your tracking and working out and i can see your logic in realizing that eating vegetables and cutting stuff like soda are not going to be sustainable for you.

    The hard part comes in maintaining. Personally, I don't get too impressed with anyone's weight loss until they've kept the weight off for at least five years. So, if you're losing weight in a way that is sustainable for you, then 5-10 years from now you'll still be maintaining your goal weight.
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    I wanted to "diet" in a way I could maintain for the rest of my life. Cutting out foods I genuinely enjoy was simply not an option because I'd just end up falling off the wagon, bingeing on them and never getting back on track. I don't want to be one of these people who refuses things because they're "bad", if I eat out or it's a special occasion I don't want to be worrying about what I can and can't have, that takes all the joy out of it for me.

    So...I eat full fat cheese, drink full fat milk, have the odd slice of cake or bottle of soda. I've cut nothing completely out of my diet although I do check my portion size and eat things in moderation. As long as I make good choices most of the time I don't see a problem with it. And to be honest, if I cut out everything I've seen people advised to cut out I'd be living on fresh air and water!

    this is exactly me. minus full fat milk. i dont drink milk period, and we keep 2% in the house if i get the odd craving.
    ive upped my activity levels and cut back on portions. i try to eat as healthy as my budget allows. yes i still go out to eat once a week...i make it work.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,885 Member
    I haven't cut anything at all out of my diet.
    I don't eat breakfast.
    i have 3/4 of my daily calories after 7pm.
    I "eat" aspartame
    I drink soda.
    I don't look at carbs or fat.
    I don't eat clean.
    I eat wheat.

    I just exercise 6 times a week, and watch my calories.

    And losing this weight has been a breeze. Am i just lucky that sooooo many things often spouted on these boards don't affect me...or am i just normal, and people are making this losing weight stuff too complicated?
    You're genetically fit. It was easier for me 10 years ago then it is now.
  • copykatnjesus
    copykatnjesus Posts: 82 Member
    Maybe you're muscular like me. I can lose weight pretty quick if I just do
    SOMETHING!!! I ate at Olive Garden for lunch and Applebee's for dinner.
    I just picked out the lowest cal meals & was full without eating either
    meal completely. AND I still have 400 calories left for the day. Go figure.
    I say Praise the Lord!!
  • fordster99
    fordster99 Posts: 181 Member
    I still eat the foods I love, I just don't pig out on them. I had tried eating completely healthy before and was bored and frustrated within days and just quit. This time, I just learned to cut back on those things and I have incorporated some healthier options. I go out to eat and if I am really really craving fried chicken I will eat a small piece.
  • caveats
    caveats Posts: 493 Member
    ...or am i just normal, and people are making this losing weight stuff too complicated?

    ^^ This.

    You're normal in the sense that this is the way it should be. You've found what works for your body, and I see that later in this thread, you said you feel great -- something you wouldn't be feeling if you were "internally unhealthy".

    I do everything you do with the exception of watching carbs/fat. I am aware of my carb intake because I know that if I eat more carbs, I feel bloated, sluggish, and unhealthy. That's MY body telling me what I should and shouldn't do -- not Atkins (I don't "low-carb"), not South Beach, not Paleo, not whatever. While the boards and Google are useful for finding how stuff (like nutrition, bodybuilding, etc.) works, it's not useful for universally applying what everyone learns to your own body.

    I wish that blanket statements such as "____ is bad for you" would come with pages of disclaimers about how everyone's individual needs are just that -- individual. What works for one person won't necessarily work for another. Figure out what works for you, and stick to your guns. If we all ate the same way, we'd be sheep fattening up for the Zombie Apocalypse.
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    No, you're normal. Eat less than you use and you will still loose weight.

    Most of the crap spouted by dieters is just that. Crap.

    No carbs = faster weight loss, ketosis, ill health
    No soda = soda has salt which makes you retain water so cutting it out will cut out a lot of sodium in your diet...but the moment you drink it again, you gain it right back. It's equivelent to shrink wrap basically.
    Shrink Wrap = wrapping yourself in shrink wrap which makes you weat out water weight...the moment you drink it comes right back on :P
    No Weat....I don't even know what that one's about

    They're fads and ridiculous. If you have a genuine non diet reason for cutting them out, it's all gravy, doing it just to diet is ridiculous and a lot of the time I wonder if these people should get their heads looked at. But hey, Some celebrity has said it's worked for them, and it's easier than getting off your *kitten* and burning the calories...so no wonder they're popular.

    All of that stuff you said isn't true for everybody. My MIL is allergic to wheat and pretty carb intolerant, so she's on a gluten free/wheat free diet. She mostly does atkins, and has dropped 70 lbs and her cholesterol has dropped by 100 points in the past year. She has tons of energy and has felt the best she ever has.

    Now I know that's not the same for everybody, but generalizing the effects for all isn't necessarily true either.
  • chauncyrenayCHANGED
    chauncyrenayCHANGED Posts: 788 Member

    You may have to change some habits when you get down to the last few pounds, but this sounds normal to me.
  • chauncyrenayCHANGED
    chauncyrenayCHANGED Posts: 788 Member
    No, you're normal. Eat less than you use and you will still loose weight.

    Most of the crap spouted by dieters is just that. Crap.

    No carbs = faster weight loss, ketosis, ill health
    No soda = soda has salt which makes you retain water so cutting it out will cut out a lot of sodium in your diet...but the moment you drink it again, you gain it right back. It's equivelent to shrink wrap basically.
    Shrink Wrap = wrapping yourself in shrink wrap which makes you weat out water weight...the moment you drink it comes right back on :P
    No Weat....I don't even know what that one's about

    They're fads and ridiculous. If you have a genuine non diet reason for cutting them out, it's all gravy, doing it just to diet is ridiculous and a lot of the time I wonder if these people should get their heads looked at. But hey, Some celebrity has said it's worked for them, and it's easier than getting off your *kitten* and burning the calories...so no wonder they're popular.

    LOL. This person is clueless...
  • Just1forMe
    Just1forMe Posts: 624 Member
    I haven't cut anything at all out of my diet.
    I don't eat breakfast.
    i have 3/4 of my daily calories after 7pm.
    I "eat" aspartame
    I drink soda.
    I don't look at carbs or fat.
    I don't eat clean.
    I eat wheat.

    I just exercise 6 times a week, and watch my calories.

    And losing this weight has been a breeze. Am i just lucky that sooooo many things often spouted on these boards don't affect me...or am i just normal, and people are making this losing weight stuff too complicated?

    Wow! You sound just like me :) Except, while it's been "easy", it's been very slow for me...but I have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis so it's always going to be slow (and I'm okay with that :) I don't eat 3/4 of my calories after 7 p,m. (maybe 25-30%) but other than that I do pretty much the same thing :) So, I would say you are normal.