I'm Lazy...and it blows



  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    Buy Turbofire or some other program and do it in secret in your home. Dont tell anyone and then at the end of the program it will be Christmas and that is your goal to display the goods. If you are single your motivation should be the type of girl you will attract once you get to you goal. She will be hotter than what you can get now. And you will have lots of fun in the future. I can see you have lots of potential.
  • Stacera
    Stacera Posts: 347 Member
    you can do it!!!!!! you gave me all this motivating talk yesterday!! I seriously have faith you can get yourself out there and tear it up and make that sexy body happen for you!!!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    if you're not a gym person, dont go to the gym!!!!

    I work out at home, i have a stepper, i do dvds, i bought some dumbells and i go jogging...

    you need to try and find things that you enjoy that you can stick to. Swimming, badminton, football???
  • Puggy33
    Puggy33 Posts: 300
    What are some goals or rewards I could give myself for hitting the gym? I'm a walking contradiction and basketcase. I sit here at work and look at all the success stories and all the awesome weight loss people have done and think wow she looks amazing, I wish she was mine or damn he's really cut down I wish I looked like him, but then I get off of work and go home and play madden 12 for 8 friggen hours and think that eating right and doing 15 leg lifts and 10lb curls 10 times is gonna get me abs and a hot body. Plus it doesn't help i'm scared to go to the gym cause im afraid people are gonna laugh at me cause I look dumb doing all the machines. I'm outgoing in EVERY aspect in life besides fitness so I have no idea what the hell my problem could be.

    I'm very goal/reward orientated but can't get myself enough energy/courage/whatever to start pounding away all this bull**** fat.

    Help? :/

    I have several comments. Some of which you may not enjoy but for some reason you strike me as the type that can handle forwardness.

    1) You probably don't want it bad enough.
    2) I very much doubt people in the gym will pay any attention to you. ESPECIALLY the more hardcore folks. They're too busy focusing on the task at hand--- smashing weights and setting PR's. They could give a fook about what you're doing as long as you're not curling in the squat cage or texting someone while sitting on the leg press.
    3) Learn to use freeweights. Machines are fine and better than nothing but what is stopping you from learning to squat/deadlift/etc?

    And just so you don't think I'm trying to hammer on you, here's some more friendly advice:

    You should take measurements, and photographs, and log everything. Start weight training NOW, and get your diet in check. Throw away your scale or stop looking at it for a while. See what happens in a month.

    And see sig.

    Good luck.

    Don't worry about it man, I need advice like this. Sometimes it's hard to look at your situation from the inside and see that maybe you just aren't giving it your best effort. From the looks of the replys i've gathered the following:

    - if you want it, go for it.
    - Stop being a *****, go work out

    I appriciate the help you guys. It's what I needed.
  • rockabillymama
    rockabillymama Posts: 117 Member
    Put your game system away until you earn it back. I know it's really hard when you're on your own, but it may help. I love to play video games and just geek out for hours but I've pretty much told myself I can;t do those things unless i earn it. I find it hard to want to do anything sometimes,and i so know the argument in your head of "you shouldn;t be sitting here playing this get up and do something" i have it everyday of my life. You gotta make yourself believe that not being lazy is a reward all in itself....

    good luck <3
  • Cosmic_Unicorn
    Cosmic_Unicorn Posts: 150 Member
    I play video games instead of hitting the gym too. But I make it into a reward system. Like if I do the 30 Day Shred or spend half an hour with my weights I can play for two hours. Or six, whatever. I also do pushups or jumping jacks during loading screens.

    And it's been said, but the best rewards are how you feel and look. It's amazing. Not that buying new clothes or whatever also isn't great.
  • Tani316
    Tani316 Posts: 28
    I can totally relate. I used to be a tv junkie and I'm telling you right now, for the love of God man, UNPLUG!!! It'll be hard at first (going through withdrawal always is) but it helps to channel that antsy feeling into something more productive. Reading, writing, even surfing MFP, or having random dance sessions at home by myself have all worked for me.

    As far as the gym goes, I used to be really embarrased to go, the treadmill was my arch nemesis. I didn't want to run because I would be out of breath after 30 seconds. But the truth is nobody laughed because nobody was worried about me. When you go to the gym you'll find a group of people just trying to sweat it out. If you talk to them they're pretty encouraging and helpful about how to use those sometimes oh so complex machines.

    You can have all the support you can handle from your MFP community but at the end of the day, you've got to find what motivates you to get off your couch.

    I wish you great success.
  • _Khaleesi_
    _Khaleesi_ Posts: 877 Member
    I didn't read all of these replies, but a lot of them sounded like "suck it up and go do it."

    What kind of activities have you tried? The easiest way to get some exercise in is to find something that is fun! For me, that isn't running or using the elliptical. It's not hitting big weight machines or jumping on a bike. I really enjoy horseback riding, and so I do that, and I found a DVD program that I LOVE and kicks my *kitten*, so I do that too.

    Try new things. Give them a 2 week trial. You will know for sure whether you love them or hate them then. I liked Rushfit from Day 1.

    Good luck!
  • Puggy33
    Puggy33 Posts: 300
    I don't really play it 8 hours a day lol it was just a figurative number. I usually just do dishes and watch netflix, which really isn't any better :)
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    When I first started working out, I joined a small gym down the street. Turns out, they train bodybuilders and fitness models there, and I was an obese woman with 47% body fat. I was by far the weakest fattest person there. My first few workouts were embarassing. The gym is so small that everyone could see me, and I was mortified how weak and pathetic I looked. I stuck with it though. The gym's owner took an interest in me and has turned out to be one of my biggest supporters and my trainer. A lot of the guys at the gym have come up to me and told me how proud they are of me and how awesome I look versus how I started. It's been a wonderful experience, and I've come away with new friends.

    The hard truth is that you just need to suck it up and do it. Quit whining and living in self pity and just do it. Make time for it every day, even if it's just 30-60 minutes. That's not that long and Madden won't suddenly disappear. The rewards include having a better body, feeling great, making new friends, and doing something positive for your health and wellbeing.
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    I don't really play it 8 hours a day lol it was just a figurative number. I usually just do dishes and watch netflix, which really isn't any better :)

    Do you watch sports? I plan an hour of jogging, boxing, kicking, jumping, push-ups, etc during hockey & baseball games (HUGE sports fan). I run when the game is on (so I can watch) and during commercials do the push-ups and stuff that takes me away from the screen. Some commerical breaks I run up and down stairs and some I jump rope for the entire commerical break. It's great and because I'm focused on my teams, I don't usually pay any attention until I realize that I'm covered in sweat. Best part was getting to punch towards my tv when the Yankees & Sox were on (I enjoyed punching A-Rod).