
My name is Lisa, and I'm a food-aholic. I have been using MFP on and off since Jan 2011. I started out awesome!! I was able to lose 20lbs, then in March came sore knees and shin splints. So little by little my weight is creeping back up. I still workout, not as frequently though. I stopped logging my food out of rebellion. I know it sounds dumb, but I don't wanna have to rely on that. I would love to be the type of person that just doesn't desire food. I feel obsessed with it more than ever. I guess I'm just venting. My 40th birthday is just around the corner (Nov 3) and I had wanted to be "Fit and Fabulous at 40" but i messed that up.

So here I am feeling sorry for myself. How do I get it back? That desire/motivation that I can accomplish this goal, this lifestyle change? I've got the stuff to do it...treadmill, dog, both kinds of bikes(indoor and outdoor) and exercise DVD's.

So let's hear it...


  • msqdpie
    msqdpie Posts: 92 Member
    Just look at it like, That's Your Yesterday and Today is Your Today! Every thing from here is Workable, You just did your first step! Now is the Time to Walk on, ..........Come on!.
  • Goldenwoof
    Goldenwoof Posts: 535 Member
    You're ALWAYS gonna desire food. Food is good. :) Thing is, you have to desire feeling good more. I like feeling good while shoving a pizza in my face, but I LOVE feeling even better for the other 23 hours of the day when I'm filled with healthy food and exercise instead.

    Motivation? I use what I call "mini-milestones." Don't think of needing to lose a bunch of weight. Think of needing to lose a small five pounds or so. Then set yourself a ceiling and promise yourself that you won't go over that.

    For example, I started off at 226. I got under 225 and refused to let myself see that number on the scale again. Then, I got under 220 and set that as my ceiling. Then 215. Then as of this week, I'm under 210 and won't let myself see that again.

    And along the way, those mini-milestones feel fantastic. I feel less frustrated about the big picture (because the next 19 pounds I need to lose still seems so far away), because I'm reaching so many smaller goals along the way.

    That works for me. Hope it works for you!

    Good luck! :)
  • lisamc03
    lisamc03 Posts: 127 Member
    this is where "Just Do It" comes into play :smile:
  • Bonny272
    Bonny272 Posts: 154 Member
    I think I've said something similar for the last ummmm 16 birthdays. You have to keep logging in. No matter how badly you blow it. Who are you being rebellious against? You're just hurting yourself. For the shin splints I would suggest some physical therapy exercises. A lot of those types of injuries are traced back to weak or unbalanced muscles in your feet and legs. Work out DVD's are great but they don't stretch enough. Take some time and build up the muscles in your feet and leggs so you don't hurt when you workout hard. Fit and Fabulous starts one healthy decision at a time. I love food. I love to cook food. I love to eat the food that I cook. Logging on keeps me honest about what I am putting into my body. I've been finding healthier versions of my favorite foods and I save calories for the really good stuff so I'm not tempted by mediocre treats. I'm not going to be as slim as I'd like for my birthday either, but I feel healthier and the weight will come off. You can do it!
  • Bonny272
    Bonny272 Posts: 154 Member
    oops... double post :blushing:
  • kkrusas
    I know you can get back on track! Keep at it and good luck!!
  • tbudge
    tbudge Posts: 114
    Hello fellow Utahn!!!
    Don't beat yourself up, time doesn't stop, it will pass by anyways, so might as well make the best of it from here on out, right?!
    Not sure what work out DVD's you have, but I recommend the beachbody ones...Insanity, Turbo Fire, etc. As for the shin splints, a fitness guru once told me to get some athletic tape and wrap your shins. It looks silly, but it works! Mine went away really fast with that.
    Lots of luck to you!!! Feel free to add me if you want! It's nice to see another Utah face!!! :happy: