Hello all! I'm new :)

Hello all. I'm a junior in college. I'm 5'2" and as of this morning weighed 156.6 pounds (ick). I was skinny (under 110) until my senior year of high school. I never had to watch my weight or anything. In high school I could eat whatever I wanted and never gain weight. I think that's where my junk food addiction started, and it's really hard to break because I didn't want to admit to myself that I had to curb my eating habits if I didn't want to get fat. By the end of my senior year I was about 118, but I didn't really mind, because I still looked good, my clothes still fit, etc. I got a summer job at an ice cream store (bad idea) where we could eat as much as we wanted... and I did. I was up to around 124 by the time I went to college in August. I went pretty hog wild with the food, candy, late night pizza, 4 Dr. Peppers a day, etc... I was up to 138 by the end of my freshman year. I wanted to lose weight, but I kept putting it off and being lazy. By the end of my sophomore year I was up to 150. Now I'm 156.6. I realize that I can't keep putting this off. I used to love shopping and would spend hours trying on clothes, but now I just go for clothes that minimize my pudgy love handles.

I would always be like "I'm gonna eat healthy and get in shape," but then I'd say "whatever I don't care" once it got hard to keep my motivation. But I do care. I'm self conscious and don't feel good about myself the way I used to.

I have compartment syndrome in my lower legs, which makes it very painful for me to run and sometimes even walk, so I used that as an excuse not to work out. I tried PT, that didn't work, so now I'm exploring the possibility of surgery. But I can't keep using that as an excuse to not get in shape. There's no reason why I can't eat healthy even though I can't do intense workouts.

Seeing the before and after pictures is encouraging. I just need to keep up my motivation and not give in to the late night food cravings.

I don't want to get back down to 110 or even 115. I liked how I looked at 120-130, I had some curves and wasn't so flat-chested LOL. I want to go somewhere warm on spring break next year, but I don't want to feel uncomfortable in a bathing suit.

Sorry for the long introduction, I just figured writing this all down would remind me of what I'm working for when I get discouraged.


  • I'm new too may we can be friend and help each other. Good luck and welcome
  • nevryn
    nevryn Posts: 4
    Hello there.
    Im fairly new here too, but what ive learnt is that the crowds of people here are great. Extremely supportive and full of positive advice for when you have that crap day and think "why should I even bother".
    Good luck :-)
  • aquitania
    aquitania Posts: 92 Member
    Welcome! I personally like it when people make longer introductions, it's somehow personal. :)

    I'm new as well, but i find it really easy to use this counter, and somehow it becomes your habit to take track of what you ate and how much did you excercise. The most important thing is to not give up! We'll stand by you! ;)


  • namenumber
    namenumber Posts: 167 Member
    Thanks everyone! I'm really excited--I hope my enthusiasm lasts LOL!