Debbie Downers



  • nickybr38
    nickybr38 Posts: 674 Member
    My Debbie Downer is my roommate. ): She is also my workout buddy and has a good 100lbs more then me to lose.

    I find that when I accomplish something she always claims to do it better and bigger. If I can lift 5 lb weights and want to share my victory she'll brag that she can do 40 reps with them because they're so easy. If I tell her I ran on the treadmill for 20 minutes she'll tell me she went on the elliptical for 50 minutes. If I hurt myself and can't go to the gym she harasses me and calls me a quitter.

    I haven't really figured out HOW to deal with her because frankly I don't have the energy to have any kind of a discussion (working 9-9, going to gym 6-8AM and feeling sick and exhausted 24/7)... but for now I just ignore her mean spirited little jabs.
  • Phoenixflame
    Phoenixflame Posts: 560 Member
    nickybr38...eeeep, sucks to hear about that. :frown:

    I'm so happy that my roommate is a great support. She's a skinny little dancer, so she has lots of exercises for legs. She doesn't really work out or dance anymore, and she eats a lot of junk, but she never flaunts it in my face. And if I've had a rough day, she's always there to listen.

    My Debbie Downer is sometimes my mom. I'll be super proud that I walked away from a piece of cake. She'll roll her eyes and say "Good Lord, it wouldn't have killed you. You are SO neurotic!" Or I'll calmly explain that I do in fact need to lose more body fat, because it's 9% higher than what it should it. I get an eyeroll and an "Aww, gee, like that's gonna hurt you." Uh...yeah it could?

    She needs to lose a lot of weight herself, so I think she feels a bit defensive that I lost a lot without trendy diets or pills--just eating healthy and exercising. But when I last saw her, she told me she'd bought the Dancing With the Stars workout video, and that she hopes to be in better shape next time she sees me. So yay!