What do most people do?



  • stevwil41
    stevwil41 Posts: 608 Member
    I'm a tall guy so the 1200 calorie thing wouldn't work for me. As for my settings I step down as I get closer to my goal. I started at 2 lbs/week and then when I got to about 25 above my goal I dropped it to 1.5/week. At 15 lbs to go I dropped it to 1/week.

    I'm basically training myself to eat healthier so that when I achieve my goal I can stay there. I've been either losing or gaining (mostly gaining) weight my entire adult life. I need to learn how to maintain:)
  • NaomiWhite77
    NaomiWhite77 Posts: 238 Member
    Hi this is long, but I hope it helps. I eat 1200 cals most days.
    One of my new MFP friends asked for some tips, so I typed this up. For the people we don't know me personally, I am not a professional and don’t want to claim to know what everyone needs to do :) This is what worked for me:
    -Do something every day, walk, hike, bike, jog in place, run up and down the stairs
    o When I started I didn’t eat back the workout cals unless I burned more the 200 or so
    -Bread has a large amount of calories so, we found Joseph’s Lavash wraps and pockets!! They are amazing and heart healthy
    -I try not to drink my cals other then the two cups of coffee a day (can’t give up my coffee)
    -Never feel deprived, if you what pizza, fried seafood, french fries, ice cream WORK it off. On these days we’d go on a hike or bike ride to burn cald
    -I have skinny cow ice cream just about EVERY night lol -I eat lots of fruit and veggies, cucumbers are very low in cals and give you a crunch
    -Lately I have been drinking lots of sparkling water w/o sodium (p.s. if you look at my dairy, I never log water but I do drink it)
    -Olive oil Mayo is 45 cal per tbsl instead of 100
    -For salad dressing if I am running low on cals I take the good seasons Italian seasoning and add water and vinegar not oil, it almost free like 15 cal and so good
    -Apples, pears, grapes, watermelon, berries
    -Oscar Mayer lunch meat 6 slices for 50 cals
    -Chobani greek yogurt w/ a little bit of Aurora natural granola holds my from 8 am to 11:30 am
    -I do take vitamins, but can’t prove if they help weight loss of not. I take for overall health.
    -During the week breakfast and lunch tend to be the same thing, this gives me more flexibility for snacks and dinner
    -Dinner, chicken, pork, lean lean meats and I grill a lot -DON’T LOOK AT IT AS A DIET… it’s a LIFE change Okay, I think that’s the main stuff.. Did I mention that I LOVE food :) it's all a balance and I am finally learning how that balance should look.. Good luck ALL.. it does work.
  • 1953Judith
    1953Judith Posts: 325 Member
    I'm on the older side,58, and take meds that are not conducive to weight loss. My aim is to lose 1 lb a month. I have been successful for five years (one year off because the drs. wanted me to maintain while on chemo and getting radiation). Since joining MFP in April, I have set a goal of 1/2 lb a week. I have lost 22 lbs. I have a total of 22 more lbs to lose.

    MFP gives me 1480 calories as a base. I do best when I conservatively estimate my calories and eat back my exercise calories.
  • Jenninedinburgh
    Jenninedinburgh Posts: 70 Member
    Wow - some GREAT tips on here. Thank you ALL! I am SO motivated. I think today I will go and buy a George Foreman grill - the message I keep getting from so many of you is the grilled meats thing + exercise. The other clear message I am getting is to go organic...thanks again! :)