annoyed with comments..



  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I get the comments too.. and since i'm so tall, it's not that obvious I lost weight but when I tell people it's why! your not fat! yea but I was.. even if I don't look it!

    Let the haters hate, and keep doing what your doing. When mom keeps gaining, she'll wish she listened to you.
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    yeah, i don't talk about the detail with anyone pretty much. if people ask me how i lost my weight, i just say i go to the gym 5 times a week and don't eat as much in quantity as I used to, and i don't eat as much junk.
  • kaspily
    kaspily Posts: 24
    I can relate. I made the stupid choice of telling my mom that I lost 3 inches from my waist and hips but hadn't lost weight yet. She responded with "it probably water loss". Then goes on to lecture me on how to eat and that I don't get enough protein or water. The funny thing is she is 3000 miles away and over 500 pounds. Don't think I need dieting advice from her and she doesn't have a clue about my daily life choices. Grrrr...

    My husband says to not discuss it with her and just surprise her with my weight loss when I visit this summer. I know he is right but it sucks not having the support/encouragement from my mom.

    Hang in there.
  • baybeecakes08
    I can relate. I made the stupid choice of telling my mom that I lost 3 inches from my waist and hips but hadn't lost weight yet. She responded with "it probably water loss". Then goes on to lecture me on how to eat and that I don't get enough protein or water. The funny thing is she is 3000 miles away and over 500 pounds. Don't think I need dieting advice from her and she doesn't have a clue about my daily life choices. Grrrr...

    My husband says to not discuss it with her and just surprise her with my weight loss when I visit this summer. I know he is right but it sucks not having the support/encouragement from my mom.

    Hang in there.

    i agree with this.. i feel like my mothers support/ approval means ALOT to me and i just want her to be proud and now judge or say im doing it wrong i just want a congrats you look fab!!
  • ktsdad
    ktsdad Posts: 15 Member
    So let me get this right, you are getting diet advice from overweight people? Isn't that like getting marriage counseling from a divorcee? - See guys can be snarky, too. :)

    I just tell people I have changed my eating habits and plan to eat like this and journal my food and fitness for the rest of my life, so it's not really a 'diet' for me. And yes, I consider meal replacements and supplements a long-term strategy. If technology can help us with medicine, why not nutrition?
  • baybeecakes08
    So let me get this right, you are getting diet advice from overweight people? Isn't that like getting marriage counseling from a divorcee? - See guys can be snarky, too. :)

    I just tell people I have changed my eating habits and plan to eat like this and journal my food and fitness for the rest of my life, so it's not really a 'diet' for me. And yes, I consider meal replacements and supplements a long-term strategy. If technology can help us with medicine, why not nutrition?

    haha you made me laugh out load !! but its true there not in the position to give advice in my opinion !
  • Rilke
    Rilke Posts: 1,201 Member
    Well sooner or later it will show and they'll figure it out. ;) I've had several people ask me what I'm doing, but they lose interest with my answer, which is I'm simply counting calories and exercising, that always seems to end the conversation. lol

    Don't you love that?

    Them: Wow you look great! How did you lose it?
    Me: Eating less.
    Them: Oh, right. So what diet did you use? I'm on [insert expensive faddish diet plan here].
    Me: I didn't.
    Them: So how did you do it?
    Me: Eating less.
    Them: . . . -subject change-
  • bllowry
    bllowry Posts: 239 Member
    I actually had some one ask me 'Aren't you too old to try to get skinny and hot?' :grumble: I was so tempted to tell him I was hot, but he'll always be an idiot. But I was nice about it; I told him my husband loves me regardless but I want to be healthy.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    OP: All the more reason to bust *kitten* and make progress. YOU know your calorie deficit will work and that you will end up looking great. Can't say the same for your mom if she's looking for gimmicky diets.

    Don't you love that?

    Them: Wow you look great! How did you lose it?
    Me: Eating less.
    Them: Oh, right. So what diet did you use? I'm on [insert expensive faddish diet plan here].
    Me: I didn't.
    Them: So how did you do it?
    Me: Eating less.
    Them: . . . -subject change-

    I had something very similar yesterday in the gym but it turned out well.

    PT: Hey Patrick, you're looking good, are you losing weight?
    Me: Yep, down about 9lbs or so since beginning of Sept.
    PT: Great, how are you doing it?
    Me: Calorie Deficit.
    PT: That's how to do it!

    Went better than expected. I was anticipating something bro-like.
  • HayleHoot
    Your family's gonna be eating their words soon when you lose the weight! So I would just be pacient until then. BTW, thats great that your doing it for you! Nice work!
    Can't wait to hear more of your progress :)
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,129 Member
    Well sooner or later it will show and they'll figure it out. ;) I've had several people ask me what I'm doing, but they lose interest with my answer, which is I'm simply counting calories and exercising, that always seems to end the conversation. lol

    Don't you love that?

    Them: Wow you look great! How did you lose it?
    Me: Eating less.
    Them: Oh, right. So what diet did you use? I'm on [insert expensive faddish diet plan here].
    Me: I didn't.
    Them: So how did you do it?
    Me: Eating less.
    Them: . . . -subject change-

    I love this. Usually I am the one to change the subject if my family makes some comment that pushes my buttons. I learned a long time ago not to get into an argument if she said something like, "How did you lose it?" I might say, "So how about those Cardinals?!"
  • Suzanne106
    Suzanne106 Posts: 149 Member
    Awesome response! Thanks for the laugh.
  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    And that's why I don't tell anyone I'm dieting! ;)
  • tadpole4192
    tadpole4192 Posts: 16 Member
    Grandma is probably from a different era. Pre-microwave and teflon. e.g. the butcher, the baker, the candle stick maker. Uninformed. Tell her your going in for a colon cleansing and see what she says! :o)
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    I feel your pain...I think trying to help them will exhaust you. You can inform people but that's it. Let them make the decision where they want to go. You in turn go on your journey..sometime you go alone and meet folk on the way but ultimately it is just that YOUR journey. Please do NOT give up or give in. You can and stay the course.
    I love my mother dearly but as adults I have learned with her personality there are certain things she does not consider important and will NOT support me. I would be so UPSET!!!!!!!! Then I just realized this year...that is her so I don't seek or listen to her with certain issues anymore. I respect her just close ears.
    Funny, she came to visit last week...I told her how I had recently lost a couple pounds and 3 times she offers me Doritos! I was like don't yell don't yell don't yell!
  • fallenangelloves
    fallenangelloves Posts: 601 Member
    Try NOT being able to discuss your weight loss due to an overweight sister in law that believes she is genetically doomed to be fat and there is no cure...

    And I gave up telling people what I am doing. I tried at work to get people to join mfp with me and got told "No way I would compete against you"... Talk about depressing! I was looking for support with my family/friends/coworkers and finally gave up! This site is my support team now!
  • Alice230
    It's kind of funny since all diets are based on pretty much the same principle.
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    And that's why I don't tell anyone I'm dieting! ;)

  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    Those are two people that you DON'T go to the store with or talk to about food! They will never get it. I tell a health nut that I eat ice cream everyday, and they FREAK out.. um hello, I'm loving life and loosing and healthy and strong and fitter than ever.. what does it matter :)
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    Try NOT being able to discuss your weight loss due to an overweight sister in law that believes she is genetically doomed to be fat and there is no cure...

    And I gave up telling people what I am doing. I tried at work to get people to join mfp with me and got told "No way I would compete against you"... Talk about depressing! I was looking for support with my family/friends/coworkers and finally gave up! This site is my support team now!

    LOL towards your sister-in-law. That's kind of sad though. Also, about your coworkers.. there is not a competition to win.. you just eat healthy and live longer.. They must not be able to be "normal".