Alcohol and losing weight.



  • SuperScrabbleGirl
    SuperScrabbleGirl Posts: 310 Member
    im in first yr in college and i like to socialise with friendsand do sometimes feel i have to go out , i was wondering whats the best drink to drink in terms of calories ????ive been drinkin bulmers light any other suggestions???

    Any kind of cider is bloody awful (tasty though). I try and stick to Vodka like and soda, or vodka and diet coke.
  • babydull
    babydull Posts: 727 Member
    im in first yr in college and i like to socialise with friendsand do sometimes feel i have to go out , i was wondering whats the best drink to drink in terms of calories ????ive been drinkin bulmers light any other suggestions???

    Any kind of cider is bloody awful (tasty though). I try and stick to Vodka like and soda, or vodka and diet coke.

    A bottle of wine for me. 510 cals, and I always work-out harder to get enough cals to cover the booze.
    I drink a lot, but to me 4-6 days a week seems very excessive. I would work toward cutting that down for the sake of your health, but so long as you're burning enough extra calories to counter the intake, you'll still lose.
  • thirtyandthriving
    thirtyandthriving Posts: 613 Member
    I used to have a drink every night. However, I got to the point in my weight where I decided I was going to be healthy. I think it was the whole realization I was turning 30 next year. New decade, new body? So although I did not intend to quit drinking, I pretty much have. I log EVERYTHING! And it simply does not fit in to my calorie intake for most days. I still drink when I can, But it is more like one every week or two. I have also found recipes on here for low cal alcoholic drinks that have been pretty good. Search "Skinny" margarita. That is one that stands out as being pretty good.
  • mamitosami
    mamitosami Posts: 531 Member
    When I was your age I did the same thing! I had a ton of fun and kept weight off (and on!). I don't drink now, 'cause I can't handle the hangovers (!), but you can lose weight while having drinks, I did it many times. And I lived to tell the tale. I've had to lose weight several time because of my addiction to food, not alcohol. But I enjoy not drinking now (at least not drinking anywhere near what I used to drink!). I run a lot and I find it effects my running, at this point in my life that's more important, so I've made the choice not to drink. But that's not to say I don't indulge certain times of the year... now I just pay for it with a whopper of a head ache!!!!

    Oh, and I used to drink wine, beer, whatever crossed my path! But whenever I was watching my calories I would drink wine. And I exercised a ton.
  • amybrauch
    amybrauch Posts: 250 Member
    I have been drinking alcohol the entire time that I have been on MFP and I just try to log it & keep track of it in my daily calories.
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I'm mainly housebound so don't get much chance to socialise and get out, but I do find having a Brandy as a nightcap helps relax my muscles and used to do it everynight. Since I've been loosing weight I haven't but as its getting cold again and I'm stiffening up I do miss the effects of it helping me relax before bed without the additional side effects that muscle relaxants bring.
  • pattymartin2010
  • twowheelhooligan
    I was going through a 750ml bottle of vodka every 3-4 days easily. I could feel my BP go down after pouring my first drink after getting home and especially after my first sip. I knew, in my head this was bad, but I kept doing it. Slowly but surely, the scale doesn't lie. I got to my heaviest EVER and said, ENOUGH! I literally did say that out loud!

    I always like 2 wheels, motor or pedal. I started bicycling to save impact on knees, and got from liking to loving getting out on bike. I tried running a bit, and then I signed up for swim class.

    What am I saying? I'm saying that once I got in the routine of working out, signing on daily here at MFP, not lying to MFP food journal, I didn't really want to drink anymore. I'll have maybe a drink or two at the MOST during course of a week, and it's more to compliment dinner vs relieve stress. My exercise relieves the stress now.

    So, that $60/week on vodka, plus another $10-15 for mixers, I can use towards workout equipment and I'll be better off.

    I choose to not have the empty calories in my system, especially while I'm still trying to lose weight. Maybe once I achieve my goal weight, I'll celebrate with a bottle of booze. :)

    Best of luck!

  • genxrider
    genxrider Posts: 107 Member
    High in calories and carbs.

    When I quit drinking I dropped 15 pounds without doing anything else.
  • patilee
    patilee Posts: 125
  • Jonna13
    Jonna13 Posts: 288 Member
    As long as you add the alcohol into your diary, and are within your daily caloric intake I don't think it's a big deal. I drink 1 or 2 beers most nights with dinner and I'm still losing. I've lost 4 almost 5 lbs in a week and a half. That being said, I work my butt off at the gym too so I can have those drinks and not feel guilty about it.
  • itontae
    itontae Posts: 138 Member
    if you are in the UK, ASDA do premixed cans of diet tonic and Gin, and Diet cola and vodka. £1 each.
    75 calories per can. Served over ice you get two glasses out of a can and the can makes portion control easier than if you have access to a bottle of gin and a big bottle of diet tonic.

    I'm going to a party tonight with two of these tasty numbers.
  • Ral263
    Ral263 Posts: 318 Member
    I'm in college, so drinking happens quite a bit...but that doesn't mean you need to cut it out completely to lose weight. For me, I usually "break even" with drinking-- I tend to eat less on the weekends, since I wake up later/less time for meals, so that gives me a little bit of wiggle room in terms of extra calorie intake.

    That being said, I'm also one of those people who doesn't "drunk eat," which I know can be a huge issue for people trying to lose weight.

    I typically drink Friday and Saturday nights, probably 6 drinks each night, so lets estimate about 700 calories (I only use diet mixers or drink wine-- using soda or juice is going to make your calorie intake skyrocket, obviously). But, I typically will just have lunch and dinner on these days, so I am breaking even calorie wise. I know this isn't healthy at all, but I'm pretty healthy in all other aspects of my life (I run 50 miles a week, only eat unprocessed foods), so it's my one treat :)

    Just remember to use diet mixers, and CLEAR alcohol-- silver tequila, vokda, gin, etc, because they are lower in calories. HTH!
  • BrewerGeorge
    BrewerGeorge Posts: 397 Member
    ... and CLEAR alcohol-- silver tequila, vokda, gin, etc, because they are lower in calories. HTH!
    Not always. Something like schnapps or flavored vodka will be clear and still have way more sugar - and thus more Calories - than a whisky or dark/amber rum or tequila. FWIW, darker beers don't have more calories either. Guiness draught stout, for example, is going to be a lot lower Calorie than a hellesbock which is about the same color as Budweiser. Heck for that matter, Guiness has few calories than regular Budweiser, come to think of it. I suppose you can say that non-opaque drinks are generally lower in calorie, but I can think of exceptions to even that - like absinthe or ouzo and water.

    Bottom line is to treat alcohol like other foods and LOOK IT UP!
  • KokomoJoe
    Had 2 beers tonight. Walked over a mile to the bar and walked back. I think I might not have broke even but a lot better than could have been. might walk back for a few more :)