Question about how many cals to eat a day

Hello!! So I have been told 2 different things. 1. That I should eat around 1200 cals/day and that will make me lose weight. 2. That I need to be eating closer to 2400 cals/day to lose weight. When I was only eating close to 1200/day, I was losing weight regularly. Now, I've been working out every day and eating more. I didn't lose anything this week (I know it's probably muscle) but I did lose 2 1/4" from my waist and 1 1/2" from my hips. So which one is right? LOL!


  • ChristyU74
    ChristyU74 Posts: 234 Member
    I can't begin to say that I have the "right" answer, but I'll tell you what has been working for me. I keep to the 1200 calorie a day goal, but I do eat back my calories. So, if I burn 400 calories running that day, I eat around 1600 calories. There have been a few weeks when I have not lost anything, but mostly it has been consistent, as long as I'm following that. That's fantastic that you are losing inches!! I wish I would have started measuring those at the beginning. But any inches lost, or dress/pants sizes that go down...that's a win to me! :)
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Muscle growth is very slow so I doubt that's the problem.

    There are times when you just hit a little plateau. It happens to most of us. Just keep up with your calorie limit and exercise plan, and it will eventually break.

    I am on 1300 calories per day and I workout 6 days per week (3 days weight training, 3 days of cardio). I try to eat some of my workout calories back, but often I don't. Plus, as a woman, unfortunately, your weight will fluctuate quite a bit during the month.
  • kendernau
    kendernau Posts: 155 Member
    Eat whatever way you can maintain. 1200 is too low for many/most people - they feel hungry all the time and are more likely to give in or binge.

    You'll get plenty of discussion over it, but as long as you maintain a calorie deficit and feel fine, you will generally lose the weight.

    Don't stress over the (lack of) weight loss. Other factors can affect it - you might have lost a couple pounds, but they are hidden because you had a high sodium day and retained two pounds of water - or a couple hundred other reasons. (not sure - didn't try to look at your diary)

    I personally believe the lost inches speak louder than the scale anyway.
  • Bria14
    Bria14 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks everyone!