Lost my gym motivation

Hi all,

So for the past month or so, I have lost ALL motivation to go to the gym. I have certainly not lost my motivation to work out-- I still run 3-5 miles four or five days a week (treadmill, outdoor track, and trails), go hiking on weekends, go to yoga or do a yoga DVD, pop in a workout DVD like 30DS, or do something random-ish like horseback riding or kayaking.
But my problem is that, since I'm only in the gym once a week now rather than 5 times a week, strength training is kind of being ignored. I haven't done a good heavy lift in about 10 days now. But no matter how hard I tell myself I want to go to the gym, I wind up just going for a 4 mile run instead.

Has anyone ever experienced this sudden drop in motivation? Maybe it's my desire to not make an extra trip out just to go to the gym (10 minutes each way)? What would you suggest to get me back into a gym routine, OR would you suggest I let my membership expire, OR would you suggest switching to a new gym, etc....any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! It's not like me to get a mental block about going to the gym!

Thanks everyone!


  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,386 Member
    try switching up your routine...try something new at the gym. things like that. gotta keep it fun!
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    liberate yourself from the oppression of a gym...work out in the great outdoors. i do ALL mr exercise outdoors..it's free and you don't walk for an hour without ever leaving the same spot.
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    Will winter be affecting you? I live in Chicago, and am enjoying the outdoors while I can. (Not running. Just walking.) The treadmill, elliptical, and strength training equipment will still be there when it's too cold, snowy, or whatever to enjoy being outside.
  • erikajurkowski
    Pick a new time to go. I had this problem a few years ago. I got bored and stopped. I used to work out at night but I always saw the same people, doing the same stuff. I now go in the morning. I people watch while I work out, just cause it gives me something else to do other than listen to my music and I like it better because when I get home after work, I can be lazy and not feel bad about it!
  • oswaldbowser
    oswaldbowser Posts: 164 Member
    Are you sure you are not over training and your body is telling you it needs rest !
  • andrewleal10
    Well I read some things that states if you are suddenly fatigue it could mean you are over working out. Maybe take a day off from complete running and gym and just relax get some sleep then the next day maybe do light cardio. Then start your routine you previously were on. I'm not a doctor it's just a suggestion. Also some things I notice when I loose my motivation for either one activity or all together. I'm usually really stressed about something, or if I get really down about something. Also my medicine sometimes just sucks the energy out of me. So those are some things to consider/maybe looking into why all of a sudden lack of motivation. Again not a doctor...

    Now some things that help MY motivation:

    1)MUSIC!- If you have an I-pod or a similar device, buy/add a few new songs to your workout playlist. I recommend fast tempo songs like (dance/techno for cardio) and (rock/alternative for lifting) but it's your preference. Just make sure they motivate you.

    2) Try going to the gym at a new time. Sometimes you just get tired of seeing the same faces when you workout.

    3) Try a new activity at the gym. Example, my gym has "spinning classes" (indoor bikes). It's a GREAT cardio workout. I usually lift before the class, then rest for about 20min,stretch, then attend the class.

    4)Mix it up. Just change your scene. Buy new gym clothes,shoes or something you want people to see. Change your activity's or where you do them at. Most gyms have some sort of free trial. Experiment with other gyms. But choose one that's more convenient to you (closer, easier to get to/less traffic, less crowded) because if it's not convenient to you chances are you won't go. Also when running, change your scenery it can get annoying passing the same things everyday lol Hope this helps!!