I'm starving

I'm not sure if this is the right place for this post or not!? Tomorrow will be week 3 for me. Last night and today I'm starving, is this normal?? I don't recall feeling like this last week. I wasn't sure if our bodies reach a point or if it's because this weekend I was not "good!?" We just got up from the dinner table and I already told my husband he's making me air popped pop corn for a snack and I'm going to have a heeping bowl!!


  • RTricia
    RTricia Posts: 720
    drink more water!! I drink about a gallon a day now.
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    keep an eye on what you're eating. If its carb heavy, it'll make you hungrier. Try and eat more proteins, fibre and fat. They keep you fuller for longer. I'm not saying dont eat carbs!! Just try and balance it.

    And if that fails, perhaps you need to eat more? Eat youre activity cals? Drop to losing less per week? There are options, you dont need to feel hungry!

    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • bobdubya
    When i get starving at night I have a diet root beer and a flavored quacker rice cake. If makes me feel bloated and full. Then i try to get to sleep before the illusion passes! LOL ( its 50 cals)
  • MusicKeepsMeSane
    I assume it's normal (or I hope so) because the same thing is happening with me right now! I've been at this for about 3 and a half weeks. It doesn't mean you were not good! It's probably just your body adjusting to not getting as much food as it's used to getting (assuming that's the case). Or it could just be something as simple if you're not eating enough protein. Protein is what helps you feel fuller longer and if you're not eating enough it's probably making your body feel hungrier. If you're going to have a big snack after dinner try to have a healthy snack!
  • jilleebean777
    jilleebean777 Posts: 230 Member
    I suggest eating fruit/veggies that are low in calories, to snack on. Drink water, or Crystal light. something with a taste to it. There is a time when my body keeps "burning" and I feel hungry. I drink some water and try to distract myself and sometimes it goes away. But if it doesn't that's when i resort to fruit, veggies, or other low calorie snack.
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    Watch your sugar especially watch for hidden sugars in "REAL" food.

    Both sugars and artificial sweeteners INCREASE YOUR APPETITE.
    Which makes it much harder to stay in your calorie range.

    Try and get your nutrition in before you turn to snacks.

    I have a sweet tooth and like a snack now and then so I try to keep an eagle eye out for food that have a lot of sugar that you wouldn't think had sugar.. like tomato sauce. I'd really much rather pend my sugar on cookies than on yogurt or tomato sauce or a "breakfast bar"

    -Good Luck
  • catlady100
    eat an apple with your popcorn and drink a big glass of water. Then go to bed..LOL. I was really hungry last week too (my first week back after a big fall off the wagon)