How do you interact with your kids?



  • brianward81
    brianward81 Posts: 217 Member
    It ain't easy and I don't do it full time. My wife and I had our second in May and it's difficult trying to entertain both, especially when the little one is cranky. Just do what you can at the time and don't feel bad if occasionally you have to watch a movie to keep them still for a while or leave them to play alone (important for them to know to play solo). You can't expect to keep them all entertained while ensuring you are not exhausting yourself and driving yourself mad.

    The thing I love about having kids is I get an excuse to act like a complete idiot, which comes VERY easily, and they laugh and join it which makes me laugh. Win win!

    - Put some music on and dance like an idiot. I'm sure the three of them will be interested in a song or two, you just might have to put soul crushing things like The Wiggles on. Though my 2.5yr old daughter likes a boogie to Play That Funky Music, Foo Fighters, Thrice or some other non-kid songs.

    - Cooking. While you are making dinner or lunch for them/yourself get them to help you.

    - General housework: I incorporate my kids when I can for things like laundry, general tidying up by making it seem fun (oh the lies I am telling them: Come on, laundry is AWESOME!). If you have a sense of urgency and a "I'm gonna beat you! (not literally, I mean "come first") attitude towards the work with them they will, hopefully, try to beat you (literally and not-literally) to make sure they win. It's not a "fun" thing for you but it can be for them while you are trying to do what you have to.

    - Draw on the pavers outside with chalk (if you've got any).

    - Make a fort!

    - Hide toys in the house and make them find them while you sip a latte.

    Some of these things I've just come up with but be spontaneous and have no shame with them, it opens so many ways to entertain them. I just have to know when to stop acting like a complete loony-tune when they are old enough to start worrying about my mental health.