900 calories!!



  • madisonsteelex
    On most days, I do two-a-days. No I do not play a sport but on 4 days of the week I have fitness classes at the gym at my college. Spinning and Zumba are on Monday and Wednesday, and with both of those together I burn about 800-900 calories, Sunday I run and do zumba, so around 700-800. Tuesdays and thursdays are kind of easy days, I only do 45 minutes to an hour at the gym and burn between 500-700 calories. Just spinning on fridays so around 400 calories.
    Running and Elliptical if you're just going to the gym and looking to BURN a lot of calories. I keep my HR at 150 if I'm going easy and 180 during sprints. If your gym has fitness classes I would defnitely recommend both spinning and zumba, they are both REALLY fun and burn around 500-600 calories in an hour depending how hard you work
    my calorie burn is kind of low, since I am pretty small(139 lbs) so if you're bigger you'll burn more calories.
    and I eat some of my exercise calories back
  • twocsmom
    twocsmom Posts: 120 Member
    I've burnt 1100ish in one day by doing 14 miles total walking/elliptical machine. Takes me about 2 hours to burn that much. I only manage that on the weekends, during the week I average around 6-700 burned a day and I do not eat all of them back.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    I eat EVERY SINGLE exercise calorie back, because there is already a deficit built in. When you are very active and at or close to goal, if you don't eat your exercise calories back, it will backfire terribly on you, and you will not be able to maintain your fitness level.

    I would burn over 700 calories doing spin for 1 hour, over 900 calories at a 2.5-3.5 hour dance rehearsal, around 1200 calories on a 2-hour bike ride at 16 mph, etc.

    I burned over 4000 riding a century at the end of September -- it was 100 miles with over 3500 ft climbing. I rode it in 5 hours, 45 minutes. Yes, I ate those calories, although I ate 1600 of them in the 2 days before, and some the day after.

    It is very very important to eat exercise calories if you expect to keep performance up.

  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I go for a long run almost every saturday - cals burnt are anywhere from 600 - 1100 depending on how far I run.
    I eat most of those back - why wouldn't you want to put more energy into your body when it's been working so hard?

    Don't feel that you aren't doing enough if you aren't burning huge numbers - if I hadn't gone mad and decided to train for a half marathon, I wouldn't be either - my usual weekday exercise is more like 200 - 400 cals (yup, I eat those too!).
    It isn't necessary to burn 1000 cals a day to lose weight, a lot of weight loss is from food anyway though the exercise does help with your fitness, mood, general health and metabolism.
  • shankleefranklee
    35 minutes on the treadmill with an incline between 10 - 15 and 2.8 - 3.7 MPH, I burn around 550 calories, if I spend a full hour on there I would be burning around 900 - 1,000.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    A better way to think of this is FUELING your body for the demands you make upon it, not eating "back" the calories. In fact, it most effective for an endurance event to eat the calories you expect to burn in advance. You need the fuel to perform. You can't run a marathon (very well, anyway) if you eat 1200 cals the day before and then skip breakfast. Better to fuel up the day before with at least 2500-2900 and eat the balance remaining from the run on recovery day.
  • madisonsteelex
    I actually burned over a thousand today! I did spinning(its a spinning/bootcamp mixed class) and played some basketball with my friends for a little, and did zumba. It was a good day:)
  • akgirl42
    akgirl42 Posts: 12 Member

    I am new to this site, but I had the same question about eating those exercise calories. I am going to cardio kick tonight for the first time. Basically it is kick boxing. It is 893 calories per hour!. I have no clue how I can eat that many calories, when I am full now. Does anyone have any guidance on this. I have so much weight to lose (60+) and I am drinking 6-8 glasses of water a day. That is hard enough for me. If any one has any comments, please give them. I am here to lose and learn. Thanks :)

  • swimmchick87
    swimmchick87 Posts: 458 Member
    When I was in really good shape, I burned about 600 calories in 90 minutes (of course I didn't weigh much, so a bigger person would burn a lot more). I would sometimes try to do huge workouts if I knew it was a special occasion or something and I'd be eating a lot- but I found I was so sore/tired and ate the calories quickly if I was eating junk at a party or something anyway, so I quit doing that. I specifically remember doing that for a christmas party once- I thought I was being so smart burning 1200 calories- but I was starving and ended up eating WELL over that at the party between all the different high-cal appetizers and cookies and things. I was also sore for 2-3 days!

    Now, I'm trying to get back into shape but I simply don't have time to work out for 90 minutes. I work long days, and I need some time to rest and relax at home at night or I'll go insane (plus if I don't cook dinner at a decent time, I end up overeating on something bad). Right now, I get to the gym around 5:30-6:00 and I'm home by 7. If I wanted to do 90 minute workouts, I'd be home at 8, and then have to cook dinner...no way I'd be starving! The gym isn't open early enough for me to go before work, and I'm not a morning person anyway!
  • MsMonny
    MsMonny Posts: 183

    I am new to this site, but I had the same question about eating those exercise calories. I am going to cardio kick tonight for the first time. Basically it is kick boxing. It is 893 calories per hour!. I have no clue how I can eat that many calories, when I am full now. Does anyone have any guidance on this. I have so much weight to lose (60+) and I am drinking 6-8 glasses of water a day. That is hard enough for me. If any one has any comments, please give them. I am here to lose and learn. Thanks :)


    Hi Erin

    By what I can see, alot of people eat some of their exercise calories. So, if you burnt 800, you could maybe eat back 400. Some nuts (protien), protien shake, milk fruit smoothie with yoghurt??

    I am not worried at the moment about eating back my exercise calories, because I could easily find good food to eat but I was totally freaked out about the high exercise calories burnts. Now that I see what people have written here, it make sense now!!

    Hope someone else can help you further. :smile: