Need some extra support!

I'm not new to MFP but could definitely use some extra support!
Hi, I'm Amanda. I'm 22 years old and currently living in San Antonio. I've always gone between being heavy and being thin; mostly heavy though. I've currently lost about 13lbs since August but have over 80lbs more to lose!
I really need some extra support, although I have some support groups and they are great my motivation is ALWAYS lacking and I could use all the help I can get and of course all the a** kicking I can get to keep me moving!
So please someone anyone be the extra kick in the butt I need to keep going!


  • OfficerFuzzy
    OfficerFuzzy Posts: 222 Member
    Congrats on the 13lbs and welcome to the site. :)
  • Nikki881
    Nikki881 Posts: 203
    Hey, welcome! Feel free to add me if you want, my name's Nikki =)
  • Apazman
    Apazman Posts: 494 Member
    I love SanAntonio! a lot of my family is from there! Keep it up ... if you never quit.. you never fail!
  • umpy5
    umpy5 Posts: 5
    Everyday is a journey keep your chin up welcome to MFP :o)
  • FindingLawanda
    FindingLawanda Posts: 9 Member
    I need support to lose. I am tired of the weight.
  • VRoseDuda
    VRoseDuda Posts: 129 Member
    I am on almost everyday...add me if you want. Good Luck.
  • Hi! This is all new to me. My approach is to just daily try my best, and be honest when logging my foods on the site. And to not beat myself up if I have a "not perfect" day, but instead make sure I continue on the next day trying my best. This way I will never feel overwhelmed or defeated, and will never quit.