Best way to loose Tummy?!

Whats the best way to loose stomach fat? I HATE it lol. I started Jillian Michaels today but I want to do more that targets just my stomach as well...


  • Aussie4870
    i would love to know the answer to this question!!!!!
  • LilacLizabeth
    LilacLizabeth Posts: 36 Member

    1. 30 Day Shred
    2. Cardio (Running & Eliptical)
    3. No Soda or Sugary Snacks
    4. 12 cups of water a day
  • kassied09
    kassied09 Posts: 397
    I wish you could spot reduce! I would keep everything on me as is and just zap away my tummy. Unfortunately, you just gotta keep at what you are doing until it goes away in the order your body wants it to. Building muscle is a good idea - so keep doing what you are! When your fat is gone then your muscles will start to show! :D
  • AppleJuiceMoney
    everyone's going to reply here saying "you can't spot reduce" and that overall cardio and strength training will make you lose fat from all over your body....

    HOWEVER I find that pilates helps tone and lengthen your stomach muscles and build a strong core. they've also found that participants on a diet who took fish oil every day lost more abdominal fat than those on the same diet that didnt

  • krissagirl0709
    krissagirl0709 Posts: 291 Member
    Okay i just started 30 day shred, and gave up the soda and sugary drinks. I was just thinking about how mad ill be if I do a ton of work and it goes no where lol. Ill have to work on more water..Ive been drinking some but not nearly that much!
  • krissagirl0709
    krissagirl0709 Posts: 291 Member
    Well I want to loose some with other parts of my body too its just the most is from my stomach id say so Ill keep working on everything else but I know stomach is hardest to get rid of I hear so I want to do extra
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    Lots of cardio, lots of water, and lots and lots of crunches. I personally love the abs workout in the Turbo Fire program. I've got a flat tummy and abs for the first time in my life... lol. What others have said would be good too, cut out sugar entirely, as you really don't need it at all. (Natural sugars are different, as in fruits.) Lower your carb intake as well, but don't cut them out entirely.
  • stubsy1968
    stubsy1968 Posts: 165 Member
    Avocado is also linked to helping reduce tummy fat. As is nuts and dark chocolate (I said DARK). Keep up the great exercise with loads of water and ensure you eat enough calories so your body will let go of it's much-loved fat cells. Good luck! Kathy
  • TwistedAngel525
    I have done some research on this in the past few weeks. I am one that works my abs continuously and always looking for stomach/ab exercises, but even with working my abs daily I find that I am not shedding my tummy. I am fairly toned throughout my body in every place but my stomach. I have come across alot of information that states no matter how much you work your abs you will not get a flat tummy unless you lose the layer of *fat* over top of your ab muscles, and that ab exercises only work the muscles and don't help alot with actual weight loss.
    I plan on starting the Jillian Michaels this week (when i can go shopping to buy it) and hope that it helps with losing overall *body fat*. However I find one of the best ab excercises I have come across myself is the P90x ab ripper workout. 16 min of hardcore ab excercises. I find the video on google videos. Instead of buying the whole P90X system. I personally am hoping that the combination of ab ripper 3 times a week or so and then with the 30DS. That the goal of a flatter tummy is acheived.
  • razorspells
    IMHO, lots of cardio exercises combined with specific target areas. Plus the right kind of nutrition, lots of fluid intake. Our body sheds off the weight proportionally.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    everyone's going to reply here saying "you can't spot reduce" and that overall cardio and strength training will make you lose fat from all over your body....

    HOWEVER I find that pilates helps tone and lengthen your stomach muscles and build a strong core. they've also found that participants on a diet who took fish oil every day lost more abdominal fat than those on the same diet that didnt

    You can't lengthen any muscle in your body through exercise. The insertions of you muscles were set a birth and only surgery can change that.
    Though I believe in fish oil, there is no peer viewed evidence I've found that shows it increases fat loss. If there is please post it.
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    Avoid saturated fats from animals, as that causes the bad belly fat weight gain. And of course, cardio and stabilizing your core, not just strengthening it. There's a blog on here somewhere about it. If I find it again, I'll post it.

    Also, until the flat tummy happens, might I suggest pants from reitmans. Lots of colors and styles, fashionable but the wide waist band at the top holds the tummy in so muffin top or jiggly donuts under your shirt don't happen. I have two pairs of jeans and a pair of cords, and I love them.
  • NancyAnne1960
    NancyAnne1960 Posts: 500 Member
    Avocado is also linked to helping reduce tummy fat. As is nuts and dark chocolate (I said DARK). Keep up the great exercise with loads of water and ensure you eat enough calories so your body will let go of it's much-loved fat cells. Good luck! Kathy

    I was thinking of avacados - they seemed to have helped me in the tummy area.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    The best way to lose body fat is to increase your resting metabolic rate. You burn more fat calories at rest than you would doing any machine, workout, running etc. for an hour or even an hour and a half. To increase you resting metabolic rate you need to do some HIGH INTENSITY exercise. Tabata Protocol, HIIT, or lifting heavy weights for low reps.
    You should still do cardio, but tons and tons of cardio also burns lean muscle tissue and lowers your resting metabolic rate.
  • AppleJuiceMoney
    everyone's going to reply here saying "you can't spot reduce" and that overall cardio and strength training will make you lose fat from all over your body....

    HOWEVER I find that pilates helps tone and lengthen your stomach muscles and build a strong core. they've also found that participants on a diet who took fish oil every day lost more abdominal fat than those on the same diet that didnt

    You can't lengthen any muscle in your body through exercise. The insertions of you muscles were set a birth and only surgery can change that.
    Though I believe in fish oil, there is no peer viewed evidence I've found that shows it increases fat loss. If there is please post it.

    this is just one of the many articles i've read about studies which link fish oil with reduction in abdominal fat :

    found this after a 2 second search- there is lots more out there!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    Avoid saturated fats from animals, as that causes the bad belly fat weight gain.
    I don't see this as being true. There isn't any peer reviewed studies that prove that saturated fat even causes heart disease. The AMA, AHA, and even ACS have had studies done and haven't concluded this statement to be true.
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    If you want LOOSE belly fat, do nothing. If you want to LOSE belly fat, eat well, do cardio, and build some muscle.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    this is just one of the many articles i've read about studies which link fish oil with reduction in abdominal fat :

    found this after a 2 second search- there is lots more out there!
    "only when combined with moderate aerobic exercise for 45 minutes 3 times a week."

    This states the you HAVE to exercise along with taking it. It mentions nothing about just dieting and taking it to lose body fat as you stated. It also mentions that it's viseral fat (fat between the organs) and not subcutaneous fat which is the fat that is just underneath the skin.
    It's important that correct information be correctly posted so that mis information doesn't circulate.
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    Avoid saturated fats from animals, as that causes the bad belly fat weight gain.
    I don't see this as being true. There isn't any peer reviewed studies that prove that saturated fat even causes heart disease. The AMA, AHA, and even ACS have had studies done and haven't concluded this statement to be true.

    Hm. Good to know. Well then why is it talked about so much? Where are you getting info? I carry my extra stuff around my waist and all I hear is "avoid red meat" and "crunches don't help"... Don't even know who to listen to anymore. I'm waiting for the day someone comes out with "studies show that lettuce is fattening." :-P

    Editing to add that Im not trying to critique you, niner. Just frustrated by all the conflicting information out there.
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    Do exercises for toning the stomach. I'm doing Chalean Xtreme and Insanity videos specifically for abs.

    Otherwise, I also find Pilates is really good for the whole core. I used to do it more when I was younger and it really helped and helped my posture a ton.