Weigh in...!!

Does anyone else get super excited for weigh in?? For me, it's what gets me out of bed without hitting the snooze!!

About to go to sleep, but already excited to see what the scale says tomorrow!! Anyone with me? :bigsmile:


  • smkcx♥
    smkcx♥ Posts: 317 Member
    When I wake up, I usually go right for the scale. It's both exciting and nerve racking for me. I'm afraid to see the numbers go up, but super excited when it goes down :D
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    This time, yes, because I weighed myself on Sunday for some reason, and it said I was 3 pounds down. So I'm making myself wait to see for sure, but I weigh in tomorrow and I'm dying to see if that is for real!
  • spotlighthw
    spotlighthw Posts: 8 Member
    I dont get excited to weigh in. Nervous, anxious, scared, yes, but excited no. I do get excited though once i see a positive result! :)
  • killerqueen17
    killerqueen17 Posts: 536 Member
    lol heather... well you already know I'm an excitable person in general... haha :bigsmile:
  • spotlighthw
    spotlighthw Posts: 8 Member
    and you know i care too much about the scale, so go figure.

    (I had jeremy put it on the highest shelf in my closet so i cant reach it. back to once a week weigh-ins for me)
  • oktg
    oktg Posts: 13
    i LOVE weighing in. like i am addicted to the scale. i used to weigh in once a week, but now i do it every morning before and after my workout.
    luckily though i dont have a personal scale at home, i would probably hop on everytime i ate something....so i just use the one at my school gym :)