Mommy's losing it -open group for busy moms



  • lotusblossomctf
    I'm in. I have a 4 year old, and I work in an accounting firm. It's part time right now, but in a few months we'll be hitting the busy season, which has always been a HUGE struggle with the weight loss. My goal is to lose 47 more lbs by my wedding next August, I'm already down 13. I'm very excited to have finally broken the 230's after who knows how long! With work, the little ones activities and schedules of him visiting his dad and grand parents, life gets a bit crazy at times, as it does. :)
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Hi, I'd like to join!! My name is Shawn, I am a mom to 4, three boys ages 23, 12, & 3 and one girl 5. I have a home daycare and in the process of starting an Etsy shop, so I'm always busy and have little time for myself.
    I'm almost at my goal weight but would love to be a part of the discussions and support other moms.
  • kenpup
    kenpup Posts: 1
    I would like to join too!! I am all new to this. I have two kids 6 and 3. I went from being a stay at home mom to working 4 four days a week. It has helped me so much not being at home and eating all the time. I haven't really thought about taking care of myself for a while. But now it is my turn. I came across mfp and thought what the heck I would try it. This is my second week logging my meals and really watching what I put in my body. And so far it has been great. I would like to lose about 30lbs. Although the poundage is not as important to me as fitting into my clothes better. I would the support of other busy moms like me.

    Thank you!!
  • GoGettmGirl419
    I'd love to join. I'm a wife, mother of 5, college student and I work full-time..great group
  • BeccaB1981
    BeccaB1981 Posts: 456 Member
    This group sounds great, sign me up! I have a little girl who is 14 months old and I work a full time job outside the home. I have to get up at 5 am every morning to exercise and it's not always easy especially when it doesn't seem to be paaying off as quick as I would like for it to but I am sticking with it this time!!!
  • momocurti
    momocurti Posts: 152 Member
    I'd like to join too! I'm mom to four kiddos: 11 yo girl, 8 yo boy and 5 yo b/g twins. The youngest just started kindergarten so you'd think I'd have all sorts of leisure time. WRONG! I actually am a freelance writer and have been able to take on more jobs since school started, so I'm busier than ever. I've lost 25 lbs so far since starting MFP, and have 12 to go to reach my initial goal, and can use all the oomph I can get :)

    Thanks for starting this group Kara! Looks like we'll have lots of support for and from one another!

  • ADM1979
    ADM1979 Posts: 105 Member
    Is it too late to join?

    I have two boys, ages 11 and 9. I work full time and go to school full time. And I am in the process of organizing a fundraiser . . . shew I am busy!

    But I am also on the path to become a healthy individual. I need to. I want to. I will do this.

    I just need a little help. I would love to join this group!
  • cmoutarimoussa
    cmoutarimoussa Posts: 97 Member
    I would like to join, I am wife and a mom of a 13month old girl. I am working part time right now but i am looking for full time and it is very hard to get a work out in and eat right! I am weighing 229 right now..i want to weigh 205 by Dec. 25th 2011. overall i wanna lose 79 more lbs.
  • MellyPfromVT
    MellyPfromVT Posts: 869 Member
    I'll do a litle better introduction. I'm 33, a full-time high school social studies teacher and I have a 2 year old girl and a 4 year old boy. I have lost about 20 pounds since joining (35 since the birth of my daughter) but since recovering from Lyme Disease this summer my weight loss has stalled. I would like to lose about 60 more pounds. My start weight on MFP was 215 (225 after the birth of my daughter) and I would like to hit 135. I love to cook...that is a slight problem. I always love to run but just started TurboFire this week. Good luck to you all!
  • Briteblu
    Hi! I would love to join!
    I have a 17 month old son and he is FULL OF ENERGY so I need to be too!!! I work FT and it's difficult to find time to work out. By then end of the night I am so exhausted I have no motivation to exercise! My fiance' works crazy hours and isn't always home to help out with the baby or anything else and I am NOT a morning person lol. I know... Excuses Excuses! I'm working on trying not to do that anymore lol. That's what I need you all for! :smile:
  • Karasene
    Karasene Posts: 140 Member
    I'm so glad we have a great group of ladies. So tomorrow is our first weigh in day to officially start the group. I'm leaving the group open until we all post are first weigh ins. We are to post our weigh ins in the new thread. I will also post our weekly topic tomorrow.

    I am very excited to help, support, and motivate and also to recieve help, support, and be motivated. I think this group is just what us mommies need. A group of mothers, who understand how challenging it is to put yourself first and to find the time to do it. To be able to be healthy when everyone around you isn't. To be able to do everything with a smile on our faces when we would love to take a nap :)

    Here's the link to our new thread
  • kerimcdonald
    Hi everyone!! I would love to join this group. My name is Keri and I ma a mother of 2. My daughter is almost 7 and very active. Swimming, cheer, t-ball, soccer and dance. My son is almost 8 weeks and I gained so much weight back I am so mad at myself. I was within 20lbs of my goal weight before I got pregnant and bam! I'm right back to my starting weight.

    Not working anymore is awful! I love having so much time with my kids, but I managed a restaurant and oversaw several others for trainingso I worked long hours on my feet and could control what I ate. Not so much now. I find I'm eating quick and easy crap becasue the baby doesnt sleep very long yet and by the time he's asleep and the house is clean, I've got 20 minutes or so.

    I never realized but I'm an emotional eater. And being sleep deprived isn't helping.

    haha! no lie,
    I'm finishing this post a day later. No wonder eating is so tough. I can't even finih a sentence!
  • trickerson
    Hey yall...I'm a busy mom of 3 girls 17 yr old 6 yr old and a3 yr old. I work full time as a city bus driver in Las Vegas.Therefore i sit on my butt all day and drive. Desperately need help staying motivated. I have an issue with snacking at night like pretzels veggies fruit nothing really bad but those calories still add up and i can find some pretty good "EXCUSES" as to why i cant exercise sometimes lol. Would love to join. I am not suppose to weigh myself but once a month because i obsess on it so my next weigh in is on March 9th.