Freaking out!!! :(



  • cppeace
    cppeace Posts: 764 Member
    Yeah were it me I would simply ignore the scale at this point and work on strength training and toning. Just take measurements. I know it's hard but keep the 1200-1300 calorie range and simply work harder on toning.
    Take a deep breath it will be ok :)
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    A few thoughts:

    1. Breathe.
    2. The last 10 pounds are killer. Relax a bit; this could take a while, and that's okay.
    3. I gained a bit of weight when I started working out, but I lost inches. Yep, inches. Plural. Then I started losing weight again.
    4. Breathe. (This is kind of important. Stress isn't conducive to weight loss.)
    5. What others have said about upping your calories. It's a bit scary at first, but it works. Protein and fiber are your friends.

    Oh yeah - and breathe. In *and* out. :smile:
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I would bet that the 2 pounds is water weight. You know about DOMS but might not know that when you experience that, your muscles are retaining both water and glycogen which can lead to that number increase on the scale (it's not muscle gain, that takes more time and effort). You didn't say how long you tried each of those different things but if you didn't give them at least 2 weeks at a time, you weren't waiting long enough to see real results.

    Also, a lot of folks that have done the 30DS program will tell you that they didn't see any weight loss for the first week or two. It's not a weight loss type workout, it's a sculpting workout which means your body will change but the number on the scale might not.

    As far as the amount of calories you should eat goes, make sure your goal per week here isn't set above half a pound. If you're trying to lose 2 pounds per week, that's just way too much for the amount of weight you want to lose. In fact, if you're more concerned about losing body fat than weight, you may want to research a diet that would help you with that specific goal. As far as activity goes, you'd want to do more strength training (heavy weights) and high-intensity interval training (HIIT) like running sprints adn the like.

    For your size, 80 ounces of water per day is a bit much but as long as your urine's not clear too often, you're probably ok.
  • Michelleando
    I also have 10 more pounds and it falls off slower and slower each week. 3 weeks ago I started Flat Belly Diet by prevention magazine, had great results and now I know what I can eat and how much. 2 weeks ago I started Jillian Micheals ripped in 30 to go along with watching what I put in my mouth. 1 week ago I also threw in some cardio interval training. Working that hard I realized yesterday I need to up my calories so I would lose more inches. Knowing that muscle weighs more that fat I am leaning on measurements more that scale weight. I have seen such a difference in the way my body looks and the way my clothes feel on me that the lbs dont really matter to me anymore. Keep positive you will get there.

    Grand Cayman Islands only 3 weeks away!
  • season1980
    season1980 Posts: 129 Member
    I also agree! No way should you be eating only 1200 cal a day! Eat more.