At Wits End- Will Power lacking

Hello to the My fitness Pal friends and fellow wieght loss hopefuls.

My name is Amber. I am 27 years old, Married with a 3 year old son. I have always been very active since I could remember. Softball, baseball, dance, gymnastics, soccer, basketball, swimming, competittive cheerleading, you name it I did it. I have always been a bit curvy in the rear end but never did it bother me because my legs or waist didnt match they do...and then some. I am 5'5 and now weigh the heaviest I have been in my life....close to 160lbs.

Over the past 3 years I have had a baby (c-section required), lossed my job (laid off 3 times), incurred the affects of my self employed residential contractor of a husband being in and out of work due to the slow economy, along with many other personal struggles that one way or the other affected myself, my husband, my family all together. I now have a job that requires me to sit down 98% of the day. This is something I am not used to at all!

In the past stress used to cause me to lose wieght. I used to deal with anxiety/panic attacks all the time a few years back and I would not eat when that happened. So now if I were to have a mild one (I dont take medicne for it bc I found alternative ways to work through it) I will make myself eat in fear that I will not eat thus admitting that I am having an anxiety attack. I also think I am addicted to junk food, bad food, need to stay away from it food.

Not to mention that I can't afford to go join a gym (let alone do I have time for it), buy products like Healthy Trim, Slim Quick, HGC, any of those types of products.

So I am here....I have asked friends and family to help me along becuase I am running out of things to wear and my self esteem is dwindling.

Thank you in advance for any encouragement and support...It is much needed!!!! and good luck in your quest as well.

Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods


  • Your introduction has really touched my heart. Hopefully you will find this quote uplifting...

    "Life's not about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain"

    Embrace the past because "people who have never failed have never tried".. Time to focus on you because to better everyone else you have to better yourself. You will find all the support you need right here. If you need to vent/rant/reflect or even tell everyone of your success right here is the place to be!!!

    Best of luck & feel free to add me

    Everyone needs to support of others at some point in time
