Who will you believe?

I read this on Daily Generous Wife tips..it was too good not to share

In Their Eyes - Daily Generous Wife Tips

In Their Eyes

Posted: 19 Oct 2011 02:30 AM PDT

I confess. I have struggled with body image issues most of my life.

I am or have been at one point - too short, too tall, too thin, too fat, too young, too old. My nose isn't pointy enough, my chin's too small, my tata's are too small (and now gravity is having its way with them), and on and on and on and on. I could pick myself to death over appearance and the sad thing is that I have allowed that attitude to fashion my life at times. I would avoid certain people or situations because I wasn't good/pretty enough and, to be embarrassingly honest, it's effected how I relate to my husband in many ways, including sexually. I believed my culture's standard of beauty when it told me that I'm not sexy and desirable, that I didn't have as much worth as those who have perfectly straight teeth and a low BMI.

I finally figured out that basically I've been whining because I've failed at my culture's standard of beauty. So ... one of my new missions in life is just to get over it.

I look the way I look. God seems pretty happy about it (He acts like I'm a piece of artwork He has fashioned and, honestly, it's not good to argue with the Guy) and my husband definitely likes to look and touch (yep, he's male).

I need to receive with gratitude the gift of my body and value God's standard of beauty. I think it's about choices. Who will I believe? What will I believe? I want to live my life in a way that honors God and blesses my sweetie. I think I'm going to look at my reflection in their eyes for awhile.

How beautiful you are, my darling! Oh, how beautiful! Song of Songs 1:15a NIV

Nice "true beauty" resource - Who Calls Me Beautiful (aff link) by Regina Franklin
Here is the second part to The Generous Husband's series on wants vs. needs. - You don't care about what I want? Study your husband and be generous in those areas that are deeply important to your man.

Be generous! Lori <><

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