pissed and frustrated



  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    if you consistently eat very few calories, you can loose weight, but the reality of keeping them ALL off is not probable unless you have something/someone to help you learn that weight-loss is 1 thing, but health is another. you cannot fix 3 days of over-eating with one day of fasting, at best you will loose water weight, I have done it before (not on purpose, very busy day) and the scale went down, when I ate normally the next day, my weight went back up to its normal level. not a big deal for me. just do your best and focus on small goals at a time. I started with drinking more water, and that grew to a habit. i learned that salads were good, and all the different things i could put in them, so it's a habit that i eat them at least once a day or i try to. small steps, and a world of patience. not to say you won't want to give up, but it's too early for you to want to do that now. good luck
  • I'm so sorry that people have been judgemental and unsupportive. They may have good intentions/advice (or not) but if they truly want to help and encourage you, they are not going abot it the right way. It would be better if people could try to be respectful, polite, and tactful when they disagree instead of cutting you down with their sarcasm and judgement. People like to feel "right" and make other people feel "wrong".

    Good luck with getting back on track! Hopefully you feel support and encouragement from the MFP community!

    Peace and Love
  • Do not give up! Everyone here has got you back and believes that you can do it! You can do it, stick to it!
  • ekite
    ekite Posts: 2
    Well all I can say is people are all on here for a reason and not one of you has a reason to jump on her or judge her for getting frustrated. It's natural. And if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all. Good luck to you :) Hang in there, it takes sometime but you'll get there!
  • techteachergirl
    techteachergirl Posts: 161 Member
    Once again, just trying to vent. I don't want to give up. I am just frustrated. I have done this before and gained it back with pregnancy. I only fasted part of the day and that wasn't for weight loss reason, but that is another point all together. Also, yes I had 3 "bad" days, but from Sunday to Sunday (when I normally weigh) I had not gained, but stayed the same. SO it wasn't HORRIBLE or the scale would have gone up! So 1 week with 4 great days and 3 not so good days = same. 3 GREAT days = Gain... just frustrating. I am not stupid nor am I naive. just wanted to vent I will not be posting a topic again, but instead will be looking to my support of friends who don't feel the need to jump on me and cause me more discouragement! Thanks!
  • creeperlegume
    creeperlegume Posts: 171 Member
    Great post!
  • techteachergirl
    techteachergirl Posts: 161 Member
    I'm so sorry that people have been judgemental and unsupportive. They may have good intentions/advice (or not) but if they truly want to help and encourage you, they are not going abot it the right way. It would be better if people could try to be respectful, polite, and tactful when they disagree instead of cutting you down with their sarcasm and judgement. People like to feel "right" and make other people feel "wrong".

    Good luck with getting back on track! Hopefully you feel support and encouragement from the MFP community!

    Peace and Love

    I certainly have not felt support or encouragement from the MFP community which is sad because I have a hubby that doesn't have to worry about weight, I don't have the time or $ for a personal trainer or expensive "weight loss program", and I work with a bunch of skinny people that eat crap all the time! This is a life style change and I know that. I do good most days. Yes, I have slip ups, but I am human and "cheat days" aren't always bad. but, moot point.....

  • techteachergirl
    techteachergirl Posts: 161 Member
    I'm right there with ya sister.......... :mad:

    Nice to hear I am not alone, frustration and slip ups happen and I am not the only non perfect person on MFP
  • techteachergirl
    techteachergirl Posts: 161 Member
    Don't give up! Keep eating healthy foods, keep exercising, keep focused. Don't give in. Depending on what you ate this weekend your body could be holding water.

    Eat lots of fiber, drink lots of water, keep moving! You will see results!

    Thanks for the encouragement and not jumping on me!
  • techteachergirl
    techteachergirl Posts: 161 Member
    Been there, done that...hang in there!!!!...just because there are a few bad days doesn't mean you should thrown in the towel. It is hard...but you have to forgive the bad days and be proud of the good ones...No one is perfect :)

    It is nice to know that not everyone is perfect. Some people that replied don't seem to think that way! :( Thanks for the encouragement
  • techteachergirl
    techteachergirl Posts: 161 Member
    You can't give up. Just need to not have as many bad days. Maybe exercise a bit more.

  • techteachergirl
    techteachergirl Posts: 161 Member
    Being pissed can be used to your advantage. Just remember two words - BIG PICTURE!

  • techteachergirl
    techteachergirl Posts: 161 Member
    I am with you. Been eating much healthier for a month now and have only lost 1 pound. I have also been exercising 4 days a week for over 45 mins per session. I feel your pain and I am right there with you. Fell off the wagon BIG TIME this week because of my frustration and finally realized that I was only harming myself by doing that. So, I am back to being healthy from today onwards and SCREW THE FREAKING SCALE!!!!!!!!!!!! :grumble:

    SCREW THE FREAKING SCALE!!!! LOL Thanks for making me laugh
  • techteachergirl
    techteachergirl Posts: 161 Member
    So many things affect weight loss, are you close to that time of the month? Have you been eating more sodium than normal? have you been drinking all your water? have you changed your work outs? I can't see your food diary so I really can't tell what you are eating or drinking for that matter.

    I can tell you that your body will do what it wants and take you along for the ride, some days are up, some are down but the general idea is in the long run to see a downward spiral. Keep trucking, maybe look at tweeking things you are eating?

  • techteachergirl
    techteachergirl Posts: 161 Member
    I lost 6 pounds my first week and at the next weeks weigh in, I had gained it all back. Talk about a letdown. Everyone is telling me that I'll be up and down with weight since I'm exercising intensely and dieting...building more muscle now. I'm not going to give up the battle to get rid of this fat. I can honestly say, I already feel so much better in just these few weeks of diet and exercise and can tell a difference the way clothes fit. I dream of the day when I can walk in to any store and not have to worry if their sizes go up large enough for me. All I can say is, don't give up! You'll be so glad you kept with it.

  • SPheonix22
    SPheonix22 Posts: 90 Member
    It is so not easy to lose weight. Not sure what your goals are but maybe you could slow them down. IT IS NOT A RACE. Some people are motivated with time constraints, others like myself are not. I was recently asked why I would start a 5K if I didn't plan on finishing it. That I didnt have the right mentality and that I was setting myself up for failure. I take my succes as Hey I STARTED 5k. Just the idea of even doing something like that before was alien to me. I hope you continue. Not everyone is the same and you may be pushing yourself too hard! Good luck.
  • almost50now
    almost50now Posts: 19 Member
    Yep, just jump back on the bandwagon and get going again. Yay for you for keeping on. :)
  • cominupmilhouse
    cominupmilhouse Posts: 257 Member

    Just want to send out an enormous apology in case I was one of the people who's post was at all hurtful to you. It was not AT ALL my intention. I've seen a lot of people post some blatantly nasty and judgemental things on these forums and the last thing I want to do is make someone feel bad.

    All I want to say now is that I admire your strength for sticking with it, and posting something like that because there are some ignorant people on here that can get you down, even if they never meant to ( like me)

    Wish you all the best
  • wannabefree
    wannabefree Posts: 32 Member
    I feel your pain! I am surrounded all the time with skinny people who never need to think about every single bite they put in their mouth and i want to scream! Why can't I be normal? Why do I have to count every calorie and exercise and still sometimes the weight doesn't come off. I sometimes look at someone thin and think do they struggle all the time to stay that way? I understand perfectly your need to vent. It is so hard and sometimes you do great all week and then stumble and want to kick yourself. When I fall off the wagon, I try to pick myself up and get back on the wagon because every day is a new day and a new chance to make things right. i have lost 30 lbs since last Jan and I need to remind myself of that fact often when I feel like giving up. Keep up the great work at least you are still on mfp and are still trying. Don't give up!!
  • dtmwed
    dtmwed Posts: 130 Member
    Yep, just jump back on the bandwagon and get going again. Yay for you for keeping on. :)

    I don't post much, but this is the same thing I would say. Don't feel bad I was in the same position " I think" you were in when you posted this comment. My co-workers eat crap and there is always junk in the office. I have a hard time resisting and gained all the weight I lost previously. Keep up the work and hopefully you'll get a good set of people to back you up.