How do you feel about...

weight loss surgery.... like lap band or gastric bypass?


  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I think it's a decision which shouldn't be taken lightly. I know a few people who have had great success with it and have kept all of the weight off a decade later. I also know people who are still really overweight after having it. One guy in particular lost maybe 50 or 75 pounds, and really needed to lose a lot more. I ran into him a few months ago and he's at least as heavy as he was before his surgery in 2001. I also knew someone who died during the surgery. If you're considering it, you need to consider all of the risks.

    My best friend was considering it about a decade ago. She decided instead to lose the weight on her own and did lose over 100 pounds by simply changing her diet. I'd encourage people considering surgery to give a simple calorie reduction and exercise plan a serious try before making that decision.
  • While it's not something I would do, I don't judge others for doing it. I have a friend who had gastric last year. She lost a lot of weight, but emotionally never healed. She is now gaining weight. Not that it would happen to everyone-but it does happen.
  • monileen
    monileen Posts: 7 Member
    I had gastric bypass 8 years ago and lost 168 lbs. I have gained back 60 lbs so thats why I am doing MFP. I had virtually no complications, except if I tried to eat too much, I would throw up. I can't really eat super-sweet foods or I get sick. Even through all of the throwing up/sickness at first, I would totally have the surgery again. There is no way I could have lost that much weight on my own. My dr. took out my gall-bladder at the same time so really greasy foods are a no-no now too. My insurance company made me take a psychological test before I could have the surgery to see if I would be compliant with the restrictions. From my sucess, I am some-what compliant and I know what I have been doing wrong to gain the 60 lbs back and now am taking charge. Each person is different, you have to decide on your own.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    its a very personal decision for you to make with your family and loved ones. I have a friend who had gastric bypass, lost a lot of weight pretty quickly and has kept it off now 2-3 years later. But she lives with limitations as a result of the surgery....limitations that she obeys.

    I have a cousin who was very overweight, had gastric bypass, lost some weight but really should have lost a lot more. He didn't really exercise in a manner suggested by his doctor and he has not done all that well with the food restrictions. He's now gained quite a bit of the weight back.
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    I used to be quite judgemental regarding any surgery to lose weight as ALL of the people that I knew that had it did not fare well from it. Over the years I have learned that it is a lot of work and those who have it still have to cut calories, exercise, and do all the things that those who don't have it have to do in order to lose weight. So my new outlook is: If you have the mentality to do what you need to but need a push... Great, do it! IF you don't have the will and the way in mind and just are looking for a quick fix... don't do it, it's not for you.