Extra motivation - sign up for a race!

Five years ago it seemed like a good idea to enter the London Marathon. Training quickly fell away as I didn't get a place year on year, well this year is my firth attempt at entering and I got me a place for 2012.

This also coincided with a concerted effort to lose weight since end of July (you'll see my progress in my profile).

Found out I had a place at the start of October and have been trying to put some miles into my legs since then. From November it'll be a more structured training regime. My bro-in-law who was running with me has started running with me again, but already I'm leaving him behind in distance and speed so he's kindly(!) offered t cycle alongside me to try and keep me going.

So if you're struggling for motivation - try registered for an event. Maybe just a local park fun run or something bigger but it will help. I plan to sign up for a 10km in November and half marathon in January as shorter term targets to keep me going towards my marathon!

I've also made all my running progress publicly visible, so if you see I've not been running for a week (see www.bensmarathon.com and twitter.com/bensmarathon) feel free to should at me!